Chapter 12 - Hell

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Well chapter 12 is final here people....... Thanks for reading and remember to vote...... ENJOY

I woke up this morning feeling worse than a zombie, with the house empty and not a single trace of Dyson or what happened yesterday....... The only thing that was left were memories, memories I wish was just a dream.

I didn't see Melina at the front desk and I wondered where she was. A next face I haven't seen was Chelsea's and I knew something was up with her. She left a note about two days ago saying she had to do a few things and she would be back....... Nothing more.

She wasn't the Chelsea I knew back in New York but it made me wonder if I even knew her in the first place.

Sipping on the coffee in my hand I made my way towards my office when "Ms. Winters can I have a word with you for a moment in my office"

Here we go again

Turning around I came face to face with Dyson but I didn't recognise the person in front of me........ His eyes were dark as he stared at me with an impassive expression and he didn't have that powerful aura that surrounded he had a defeated look as if all the burdens in life were placed on his shoulder.

"Yea sure....... Just give me a minute to put my stuff down" I said drawing his attention to the load in both my hands.

"I don't have a minute." He said walking away as a sign that I should follow him,throwing daggers at his back I followed angrily, I wanted to walk slow and piss the hell out of him but judging by his mood I was not going to take that risk.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realise that he had stopped until I walked right into his back and I could've sworn he hissed as his shoulders tensed.

"Don't touch me" he said angrily.

"Trust me I wouldn't have it any other way" I mumbled more to myself but based on the way his fist clenched at his sides I realised he heard me...... Shit!

I was waiting for him to turn around and make one of his famous comeback but he didn't and I sighed.

I sat in front of him and watch as he took out some papers and laid them in front of me..... I read through the papers quickly feeling his piercing gaze on my neck. Judging by what I read he....

"So we'll be going to Paris Friday and hopefully be back by Monday" he said casually.

"Wait what!" He frowned "WE as you and I"

"No WE as in my pet and I" he said with sarcasm dripping on every word "this isn't up for discussion Ms. Winters after all you did travel with my dad right or am I misinterpreting the reason behind it......" He raised an eyebrow.

"Filthy bastard" I muttered

"Now if you'll excuse I'd like to enjoy the comfort of my office alone"

What better time to bring up yesterday than now right, right?

"Dyson..... Mr. Smith. I want to apologise for what,"

"I don't think you understand the concept of 'ALONE' well"

I wanted to argue, I wanted to say something so badly but I chose not to...... Why? I had no idea but what I did know was that he was going through a lot and whatever happened between us yesterday was a mistake. Something about him made me want to help him or try to almost as if I....... Cared for him but then it would be like those hopeless movies where the princess falls for the beast.

Without another word I walked out but not without a second glance and I saw that his head was cupped within his hands and I knew why.


(Unknown p.o.v)

I tried warning her did she listen No!

I tried,I really tried but she was too stubborn and as they say what better way to learn than the hard way. With no other option left I had to force her to leave because this was my show and she wasn't in the plot.

She was a fool,she was oblivious to everything around her but then it only made my life easier.

She was pretty yes but what else did he see in her......

This was the last time she would interfere with my plans and I would make sure of it. It was the only way.

I bought everything I would need for tonight and I went over every small detail ensuring that nothing would lead back to me.

Time to say goodbye Scarlett.


After work I decided to walk and get some fresh air instead of taking the bus.

The air was chilly and yet peaceful as I felt the breezing kissing my cheeks.

The clouds were getting darker and I instantly knew rain was about to pour, I should've head straight home but instead I stopped at the cafe to get some danish rolls...... I couldn't resist, after paying my bill I left quickly hurrying my steps.

I felt a droplet on my nose and I cursed under my breath and started walking even faster, I must look like a mad woman now at the pace I was going at.

I heard a car in the distance but I was too busy trying to get home before I was soaked to look behind me and that's when a bronze Porsche 7/8 Boxster stopped beside me.

I was about to run when I saw who was behind the steering wheels..... "Get in before I change my mind" Same A-class asshole. I hesitated but then I heard a crack of lightening and got in.

The whole drive Dyson didn't say a word to me and neither did I. He didn't ask me for directions but kept driving and I was about to ask how but decided to another time.

We were nearby and I saw flames and persons gathered around my house and that's when realisation sank in. My house was on fire!!!!!

(30 mins later)

Everything was gone!


I watched as firemen tried to save what little they could, they were good but not that good. Dyson was there the whole time talking to the inspectors trying to find out what caused the fire.

I saw a police officer approaching me and I was dreading what he was about to say...........

"Ma'am are you okay??" He asked and I barely shook my head "My men are still trying to find out the exact cause....... Do you have any relative you can stay with or friends" he asked

"I'll uh, I'll stay at a hotel or......"

"She's staying with me" I knew who it was already and I turned around and stared at him with a blank expression..... WHAT!

The end!

Thanks again for reading and remember:





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