Chapter 8 - Surprise

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"I'll be there by 8........" The text read and I only had about 1 hour or less to get ready and I had no idea what to wear.

Wait! I had the perfect suit.

I decided to wear my white tulle skirt,grey top,black leather jacket with my leather covered heel,thin strap bands, open toe and adjustable ankle strap.

I wore light makeup....... I mean I wouldn't want to look like a clown and as for my hair........ I am way too lazy to groom it right now so I decided to let it down.

Today was quite eventful if I may say.



"I'm Scarlett Winters......... I didn't know Mr. Smith was engaged" I said trying to keep a straight face.

That's last thing I expected.......

I didn't make any attempt to look at him because I could feel his gaze on me and I could just imagine what was going through his mind right now......... After all I just disrespected him and if we weren't interrupted then things would have gotten out of control but hey he asked for it.

"We want to keep things low key for now.......... Isn't that right pumpkin" she said smiling at him and I tried my best not to laugh. PUMPKIN!!!!

"Lets go" he said and that's when I gathered enough courage to glance his way and his eyes were glued to mine flashing dangerously.

"Well we better get going......... I'll see you around Scarlett and I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship.........."

(End of flashback)

It was now 8:15 and no sign of Lacardi.......... I was beyond angry............ I could've been laying down on my nice comfy bed and reading a sappy love story but nooooooo......... Why did I even say yes in the first place.

Just then the door bell rung........... I was gonna give him a piece of my...........

As I opened the door I was greeted with a face I haven't seen in ages......... Okay maybe not ages but you get the point.

"Chelsea!!!" I was about to hug her but the harshness in her expression stopped me in my tracks.

"Hi" she said smiling but somehow it didn't reach her eyes "Aren't you happy to see me"

Am I?

Something about her seemed off but I couldn't pinpoint what exactly.

I decided to hug her anyway and that's when I noticed the suitcases.

"About that" she said nervously as we pulled apart "I was wondering if I could stay with you until I get a place of my own"
"Of course......... Your my best friend........... I don't mean this to sound intrusive or anything......... But where were you............" I mean who can blame me.

"How about we save the questions for later and focus on more important issues" she said dodging the question "like why your all dressed up and I'm sure its isnt job related."

"Lets get you settled then we talk" I said as I stepped out to help with the luggage.


"Your lying!.......... You were always lucky" She said as I told her everything that happened since I got here.

Somehow I had a feeling there was more to what she said but overlooked it for now.

It was almost 9 and Lacardi wasn't here so I changed into my sponge Bob pajamas........... Who doesn't like Sponge Bob....... King of the Sea...........

"I should probably get some rest before tomorrow.........." I said getting up off the couch.

"I'll probably follow in the next couple of minutes or so.........."

And I realise she didn't even bother to look at me......... Is it me or is she acting a tad bit too weird.

But shed probably stress......... Even I get like that at times. Just as I was about to leave the door bell rung and Chelsea made it to the door before me and I followed.

As she opened the door......... We both said "Lacardi"

Oh things just keeps getting better and better, I had no idea what to do or say.

Should I let them speak or just........

"Chelsea" And his tone was bitter which cause her to flinch.

" are you d....doing here" she stuttered

"Well I wouldn't expect you of all person to know that I live here.......... Oh this is hilarious" he spat and suddenly I felt like I was I was in the middle of a battle field but somehow I couldnt move.

That's when he noticed me "Scarlett....... I.........."

"I should probably go........ It appears you two have a lot to brush up on........." I said and made a quick retreat but I had no intention of going to bed.

I could hear them arguing....... Words being thrown back and forth, and as they say curiosity kills the cat........... But hey good thing i have 9 lives.

I had two options. Eavesdrop or simply question Chelsea tomorrow but I had a feeling she had no intention of answering any of my questions.

"You killed it.......... You ruined my only chance at being a father.......... But you wanted the easy way out didn't you........ Your repulsive" I heard Lacardi shout on top of his voice and I don't know what happened next but i heard the door slam and there was silence.


Is it me or are things getting way too complicated.

First Dyson and Jason being brothers.

Then Dyson being engaged.

And now this.

I had a feeling things are about to get way worse.......... I definitely didn't sign up for this but somehow trouble seems to follow me everywhere i go.


Well there you go chapter 8......... It isnt perfect but hey I tried.

I wonder if there is more to Lacardi's and Dyson's story.







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