Chapter 9 - Flaming Sparks

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Chapter 9 is finally here people.......... So read,vote,share and comment........ Enjoy!!!!!


Its been a week since I've been here and to say I've been on a rollercoaster ride would be an understatement. Melina said Dyson is on a "business trip" and it was obviously a lie because as his P.A I'd know. Chelsea avoided me at all cost or was it the other way round, at the office and at home and I had a feeling she knew I "overheard" what happened that night. I haven't seen or heard from Jason or Lacardi and in a way I was glad for that because I had absolutely no idea what to say to either of them.

As I sat reviewing the financial statements my mind kept going back to the dream I had last night.............

A little girl about 5 or 6 years old was running around a playground,she looked so happy and full of life, And then the bell rang signifying what must've been the end of playtime, as she ran to the direction of the bell she noticed a black car with tinted windows parked at the fence but she couldn't see who was behind the wheel and that's when her teacher called her, A stout lady about 5 ft 5. She ran to the teacher to tell her about the car because her teacher always told her that if she saw any suspicious activities they should make it known to the persons around them........ Looking around she noticed the car disappeared.

And that's when I realised it wasn't a dream but a memory and I felt all sorts of emotions bursting inside me right now. Joy,shock,confusion and mostly fear.

Am I really ready for what I was about to remember? What if there was a reason why I lost my memory? What if.......... It was best if I kept this to myself for now.

"Scarlett" A male voice said snapping me out of my thoughts,looking up I saw oh shit! Lacardi looking at me with a concerned expression written all over his face. He had on brown winter jacket, white t-shirt and a dark blue jeans and even though the look was simple he looked hot.

"Oh hey, what are you doing here?" I asked trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Well I came to see you and Melina said I could just come up and knock but when I didnt hear any response I came in" he said scratching the back of his neck nervously "but if your busy I could come back another time"

I laughed remembering the same thing had happened to me when I just came here only difference I wasn't engaging in any....... You get the point............ I couldn't find it in me to tell him I was busy especially since I wasn't and plus he has food in his hand.

"Its almost lunch time anyways and it seems like you already knew that" and then we both laughed.

We ate quietly, neither of us daring to say a word,I knew the dreaded moment would come sooner or later. I hadn't given it much thought since that night, not that I wasn't interested to find out, I just didn't go out of my way to find out either.

"Scarlett I really am sorry........That night......... Something came up and I had to take care of some stuff and then I was so caught up I didn't even have the decency to call. When I was finally through I rushed over to your house expecting to make it up to you somehow and then the door opened and I saw....... Her!" He spoke bitterly

I wanted to ask the history behind their story but I remained quiet giving him the chance to speak.

"About a year ago or more if I can recall, I went on a business trip to Vegas. I had a meeting the day after, that's when I met her. She was throwing one or two flirty remarks my way whenever she got a chance.......... After the meeting we decided to go for a drink along with the other board members........... I may have over drunk and surprise surprise so did she, I guess you can say the rest is history........... The next morning I woke up she was gone and I didn't really think about it too hard, it was a mistake, I came back here and then one day I went back, I wanted a break and what better place than Vegas.......... And I saw her again, found she WAS pregnant" he said  letting out a shaky breath.

I can just imagine how he must've felt knowing he had a chance at being a father, I placed my hand on his as a sign of comfort and he looked up at me smiling, obviously glad I understood why be tripped the other day.

"She never ever mentioned anything of that sort to me....... I guess we weren't as close as I thought. But I do remember that year she went on leave"

Looking at it now I realise she had changed completely or she was pretending all along.

"I really am sorry.......... And as I said before I want to make it up to you.......... But right now I better go......... Your lunch time is up. Ill give you a ride home when you get off." He said getting up.

"Okay....... I should be off by 6 today. I better get back to work. And Lacardi" I said as he was about to close the door "Thanks for telling me all this" and then he smiled and closed the door behind him.

Knock knock

Who could that be now........

"Come in" I said loud enough for whoever it was to hear.

If it wasn't the devil him own self. The door opened revealing none other that Mr.A.

"Good Afternoon Ms. Winters I see you've been quite active since my departure eh." I was confused at first then I realised he must've seen Lacardi leaving. "If I remember correctly, you were quite judgmental about that little incident but yet here you are doing to same thing........."

My blood was boiling and I tried to calm down but somehow I couldn't.

He stepped closer until we were exchanging same air. It would be pointless to move, I was trapped between his body and the desk and to make it worse he noticed my discomfort and only came closer. "You know Ms. Winters normally the P.A fucks her boss not other random guys."

He had the nerves and before I could stop myself I slapped him on his cheeks, his eyes turned a darker shade and his jaw twitched as his face was turned to the left seeing as I hit him on the right.


Seconds passed, maybe minutes who was counting, he was angry, maybe too angry.

I moved from the position I was in towards the door and I was so close when I felt hands wrap around my waist and I shivered.

"You have no idea what you just did mi amor..... No fucking idea" his grip tightened on my waist as he pressed me against the door and that's when I felt something nudge my lower region.



The end or is it

Well that was something.


I wonder what will take place in chapter 10.

Hold on to your seatbelts people this ride just took a turn!!!!


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