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(Third person P.O.V.)

The bright sunlight sizzles hotly through the boys closed eye lids. He shifts uncomfortably feeling the hard ground beneath him, the fact that a large rock was digging within his lower back was enough to coax the small boy to awaken, allowing his large crystal like orbs to flutter open, just to flinch away from the harsh array of sunshine, that flared his retinas. Slowly arising from his slumber, the slender boy hesitantly looks at his unrecognizable surroundings.

He was confused to see himself lying in a field of poppy's, varying in size, color, and shape. The healthy green grass adds contrast to the beautiful flowers that lay restingly against the boys naked thighs. Beautiful was the word to describe the texture of his skin, pale white, pure, like a fresh snowflake. Icy to the touch, and piercing to the eyes.

He allows his small slender fingers to rake through his brown fluffy fringe, causing it to dissaray in all directions. He let's out a soft contented sigh, finally allowing himself to breath in the crisp, and fresh-clean air. He feels his muscles loosen the tension from sleeping on the hard ground. He looks up hesitantly to the sky, he's surprised to be met with beautiful fluffy clouds, that look unbelievabley soft and plump. A blue painted sky fills the atmosphere, lying as a perfect background, for the white cotton that swoddles it warmingly.

He's suddenly distracted by the smell that wafts passed his nose, he inhales sharply, closing his eyes in concentration. A dark forest travels deep, surrounding the field, like a fish bowl. Breath catching swiftly, the disimbodied boy decides to timidley get up to search for the smell that has his blood pumping through his prominent veins, that are starting to bulge through his mark-less skin.

His eyes turn into a bright fluorescent blue, his pupils dilating, just to highten his sense of sight. He focuses on the sounds around him, sniffing the air, trying to feel the heartbeat of the forest. Until finally, the predator within finds what he's been seeking.

He can no longer feel the sane mind he had once had, but now the beast inside growls predatoraly. His bones crack, and shifts under his thickening skin. Midnight ravened fur seemingly to appear mysteriously apon his once hairless body.

Hunger forces its enlarged paws to pound hard against the forest floor. The once happy feel of the sky, becomes frightening with the sound of the beasts thunderous steps. It's nails dig into the dirt making the flowers fly disheveled, behind his fast approaching form.

It doesn't take long, till a small ball of fur turns it's attention, towards the menacing form that seems to zip through the field quickly.

The rabbits immediate response is to run, but the initial shock is too much for the small animal to take, causing it's mind to jumble in a heep of emotions. It's heart beat seems to thump, with the sound of the beast's steps, all sense of direction jumbles together, causing it to take off swiftly and unknowingly towards it's own bethroved death.

The chase had only begun, but had soon ended when the small creature is forced into a trapped like structure of rocks. With the beast approaching quickly, the rabbit fears for his life and the life of his small family hidden deeply within the rock. He could run into the rock, but is afraid the beast may follow him inside.

The beast shows no remorse, nor retaliation, for the whimpering animal in front of it. If anything the fear the small animal emits trikes pure electricity to course through the predators racing heart, forcing it to leap forward without a moments hesitation.

The creature didn't have long enough to cry out, till large teeth are embedded into its fur, covering it's once snow white fur, into a tasteless-tainted red, that smears onto the wolf's large, jaw locked musle. With the rabbits last breath, it's eyes stare off longingly towards the way of its family.

The wolf no sooner finishes the minimum portioned meal, subsiding the wolf's hunger, allowing its human to take control once again.

Once the wolf's form has contracted into the furthest depths of the boys mind, the boy looks up with uneasiness, and not at all prepared to come face to face with the sorrowful eyes of an innocent rabbit. The contraction of fear, and longing still lies within the rabbits lifeless eyes.

The boy chokes on a sob, as his eyes look at the bloody scene, he had caused unwillingly.

Dropping onto his knees, forgetting about the cuts he's recieving from the rocks beneath him. The small fragile boy pets what's left of the rabbit in comfort for his own sake, though nothing could cure him of the filth of thick blood coating his body, and his mind.

The boy pays respect for the creature, tears falling pitifully, allowing loud choked sobs to bounce off every edge of the forest. Echoing it back for his own ears to hear. Reliving his pain everytime it returns to him.

His loud sobs muffle the sounds of the ruffling leafs beside him. He's unknown to his surroundings, and the creature that is stalking his hunched form.

A shadow of black approaches the small shaking boy, the unknown figure latches a thick hand onto his shoulder, causing a frightened screech to rip through his scratchy throat.

"Hey, hey. It's okay I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise. What are you doing out here?" The voice is dark and gravely, but seems to ease the boys fearful tremmers.

The boy doesn't reply, which worries the seemingly normal man that stands proud and tall in front of the crouched, messy child.

"It's okay now. Everything's going to be alright, my names Michael, Alpha of the Warrior Pack. I'm going to take you to my pack house, and you will never have to be alone again, you will no longer be a rogue, but apart of my pack. Or should I say, your pack." The shadow masked face, forces a gentle hand towards the boy. 'You will never be alone again,' the voice repeats in his mind. Though the boy doesn't know it now, the man giving a helpful hand will be of greater importance to him than he shall ever know.

💕Hello, this is the PROLOGUE, so if you enjoyed it and would like to see more from this please vote and comment. Also don't hesitate to hit that follow button, I could always use the support. I'm so excited for this book, but I think I say that, before I publish everyone of my books. Lol.

Anyway love you bye!

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