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(Michael's P.O.V)

I didn't know how to respond, I wanted to belive he wasn't talking about my Angel, but the way the tears fell down his face had my heart crumbling.

"What did you do?" I ask with a quivering voice.

He continued to cry harder, which just succeeded in making me even angrier.

"Tell me!" I scream in the tense silence.

"Please believe me, it was never my intention, I just went too far." he says in between gasps.

"I'll give you two seconds to tell me what the fuck is going on, then after that I'm going to kill you, mate or not." I threaten with a loud and deep growl, Mathias is pacing in my mind in frustration. Nathan looks up at me weary, he tries to calm himself down with long and exaggerated breaths. Finally he calms down and looks around the room, staring at all the waiting faces.

"Lachlan... I mean Angel, had become a part of our pack when he was only a toddler, I was twelve at the time, and far from the alpha title. When I first met him, he was so spunky and social, and absolutely loved everyone. No one knew where he had came from, but it didn't matter because everyone adored him, and he was soon conjoined into our pack." He smiles through his tears, staring off as if picturing the memory.

"We grew up together, my father basically adopted him as his own, I think it's an alpha thing." He stares at me with a little laugh, that I did not reciprocate.

He gave an awkward cough, trying to avoid my glare.

"Anyway, it wasn't long until I turned 16 and it was time for me to go on my mate search, but I couldn't leave, because I had already found my mate." I looked in his eyes as he stared back at mine, I was confused as to never remembering, but as if he knew what I was thinking, he slowly shook his head.

"But.... but he wasn't my real mate, I just loved him too much, I couldn't bare watching him fall for someone else. So... I forced him, I told him he was my mate and made him believe I was. He was 12, and didn't understand the concept of a mate. I never did anything to him, I just followed him around, became really possessive. I had everyone tricked, thinking he was my mate, so they thought my puppy love was endearing, but it wasn't. I became obsessed, it wasn't my intention, but something inside of me refused to let him go. That's when my wolf disappeared, Ben always warned me about staying away from the boy, but of course I didn't listen. So my lie grew, until Angel was about 15. People started to get suspicious, because he never showed any signs of me being his other half, naturally when your around your mate, at any age, you feel a pull or a bond, but he never showed anything more than a brotherly love." He puts his head down in shame.

"I didn't understand.... I was twenty and still didn't understand why I loved him so much." He began to cry again, but now it was just slow and sorrowful.

"One day, I had pack duties and couldn't follow him, so I waited until I was done to go and find him..... I should have known, I should have seen the signs." Grabbing a fist full of hair, he falls against the wall sliding down.

"I walked into his room, and seen the beta on top of him... I didn't know what was happening so I-i-i grabbed him, and pulled him off." Nathan shows the hand motions as if he was reliving it.

"I was so blinded by jealousy I didn't see that the beta was molesting him. I just ignored him as I took Angel, and kept him in the pack dungeon, where I deprived him of water and food, sometimes even hurting him. I'm so angry at myself, I want to hurt myself for what I've done!" Gasps leave his mouth as he lurches forward grasping onto the wooden floor for support.

I stare at the mess on the floor, not moving, as I stand there motionless. Everyone else in the room has grown silent in shock.

"You son of a bitch!" The big burly alpha, runs towards Nathan at full speed, with hair sprouting from his body. I don't have much time to react until a huge wolf latches onto Nathan refusing to let go. Growls and barks are heard along with Nathan's screams. But I just stand and watch, there's no way I could stop this father from getting his revenge, even when the mate pull is pushing me to help him.

I don't know what I should do, I know Nathan is about to die, because I can feel the bond between us becoming weak.

"St-stop." I let out hoarsely.

No one hears me, so I try again.



Do not attack any of my characters, because I love them all dispite their flaws. I will come for you if you do. This chapter was really hard for me to make, because my heart was clenching the whole time.

~littlerascel ♡♡

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