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(Noahs P.O.V)

Mason and I had been walking for a few; keeping scent of our mate, while we walked and talked aimlessly about anything and everything. It's been so long since we've talked like this; as if there were no trivial matters between us.

We believe we're invincible, which we most definitely are not, and I don't think Mason really realises that. He doesn't understand that there are things in this world, cruel things that can change who we are. But then again no one would understand what I've been through. The scars I hide from my past, no one understands, not father, not even Mason, my own twin brother who had always assured that he would forever love and protect me.

'I call bull shit, because were you there in that moment that I had so desperately needed you? Exactly; you weren't, you left me all alone so I could suffer alone.'

My thoughts are interrupted by a whimper, more specifically Farris's whimper.

'Ple-please d-d-don't remind me-me.'

He hiccups in sorrowful sobs. I frown in guilt, knowing I shouldn't have brought up something I've tried to forget such a long time ago.

'I'm sorry Farris, but it's not something I can just forget. No matter how hard I try.'

'I'm know... (hiccup) I just hate to be reminded of all the pain we suffered.'

I can feel his emotions deep within myself, wishing I could just tune it out as I always have.

'Alexander is asking if we're okay...' I look up towards Mason, seeing him smiling, and practically skipping in happiness. Of course.. he's so naive to the things around him, that his wolf is left picking up our broken pieces. I don't know if Farris has told Alex or not, though we had promised to never speak about it to another living soul.

'We're fine Alexander.' I whisper out to him, and only him.

'Shift.' Farris suddenly whispers filling my mind once again. I stare in confusion, seeing Mason walking towards me with a worried expression.

It's in that moment that I finally realise, that small warm droplets of salty water is cascading down the expansion of my heated cheeks. I stand there mortified, not having cried in front of anyone since I was a child.

'Please... please shift. I don't want him to see us so weak.'

His voice is soft, broken, as he desperately tries to silently plead for me to give him permission to shift.

Next thing I know I've shifted, allowing my white fluffy coat to sprout through my pale skin. I look up at Mason, seeing his expression hurt and confused.

But I turn away quickly deciding running would be the best option at the moment. I run quickly, ignoring Mason as he yells for me to stop, but I wouldn't be me if I hadn't, as always.... run...

(Angel's P.O.V.)

I don't know why I ran away; oh yeah I do, it's because that stupid alpha had to come and find me once again, even when I started to think it was all over. But of course the goddess hates me, so why would she allow me the luxury to be happy?

I hate that he's back, but I'm more upset that he's my father's second chance mate. Father is too soft to go through the same things I've gone through, because of that man he will come to love, for all the wrong reasons.

I now wonder why I had ever loved that man to begin with? I lied for that bastard. Told my father I couldn't remember who I was, when in reality I remember everything about my horrendous past, except who Armonzo is, he was always too scared to talk to me, and would never shift. I had begun to wonder if I even had a wolf at all.

Nathan wouldn't let Armonzo shift, even if Armonzo had tried, for some unknown freaking reason. But I personally believe it's because since our wolves are stronger, maybe Nathan was afraid that I might actually be strong enough to defend myself.

But I guess I'll never understand the real reason why he hurt me, and kept me caged like a 'wild' animal.

I'm pulled out of my brooding thoughts when I suddenly hear a rustling through the trees. My head turns towards the noise, my heart beat starts to accelerate in anticipation. Watching with the moon as my only source of light.

I sit atop dad's and I's special rock, pulling my legs close to my chest wondering if I should run, but remain sitting, stuck, frozen in my place.

"He-he-hello?" I whisper out into the crisp air seeing fog escape my mouth in warm smokey clouds.

The thing moves closer, and closer, achieving in scaring me even more.

I hold my breath, staring with wide frightened eyes. Until... a large white wolf peaks out around a tree, electric blue eyes shine bright with sadness, and relief. I quietly gasp at the site, the beautiful white fur reflects in the moonlight successfully hypnotizing me.

I stand from the rock walking with little reluctance towards the magnificent beast, I don't know why, but I don't feel threatened by this wolf.

"Wow... you're gorgeous." I whisper to the somewhat familiar wolf.

It's ears perk up, and it's tail starts wagging at an unimaginable speed. I giggle, crouching down with an outstretched hand, waiting for the wolf to approach me instead of forcing it. It seems to hesitate at first, but after some coaxing it starts to walk towards me with it's head hung low, showing submission.

Even though this wolf is anything but submissive. I can practically smell the dominate aura around him. It's intoxicating... the smell is foreign, yet so familiar.

My eyes start to water from the intensity of the wolf's scent. Something inside of me stirs to life, crying out in need.

My breath hitches, the feeling is something I haven't felt in years, but somehow I just know it's him...


I whisper in my head. I've never talked to him, but I've heard him speak once before.. in a dream.






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