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(Masons P.O.V.)

I was confused, beyond comprehension. Never had I seen Noah react that way, just the expression he held on his face made me want to cry.... though, he had acted strange before we left on our mate search, but Noah had always acted different so I never really paid much attention to his strange behavior. But to see him cry as if he had no idea he was; made it obvious, that something was very wrong.

My twin has never been the sensitive type, so the tears he shed were so pure and genuine; they resembled crystals, fresh and clean, and never seen before.

I walk aimlessly through the thick brush of the seemingly empty forest.... it's to quiet, maybe I just now noticed because at the moment I only had one thought running through my head, instead of a million. It voices my worries and echoes within my mind, reliving itself over and over....never ending.

I always believed Noah was the strong one, the one that would end up protecting the pack, but I think I forgot that though he's part wolf, he's also part human. Even as a child he had always come off as the dominate one, not in that category... but anyway...

When we were kids I was always the one to seek him for comfort, and he would never reciprocate me for the same reasons. Though I know in some ways he would silently grasp onto me tightly, seeming to comfort me, but comforting himself in silent pain.


"Noah! *hiccup* N-n-noah... *hiccup*" my 7 year old self sobbed as I ran towards the pack house, the betas room to be more precise. I knew exactly what I wanted, and that was to be within my brothers arms, so he could hold me, and sooth me in his oddly comforting-brooding way.

I burst through the betas office. My eyes were blurry from the tears in my eyes, but I could smell my brothers scent, thick and strong, as it had always been. But it was somehow stronger... and in someway.... different...

"What are you doing in here Mason! Get out!" He yelled at me, with that all to familiar tone of voice. But yet again, something seemed off.

"Please... please Noah." I begged, I shamelessly walked towards him with my head down, somehow hoping he would take pity on my sad form.

"Fine... come here." He sighs dramatically. I cry harder, running into his arms, he was shirtless and sweaty, probably training since he seemed to always be training with the beta.

He held me so tightly I felt my chest start to go numb from the deathly grasp. Though I invited it in with open arms, I had always been afraid that if I told him he was hurting me, he would let go, and push me away. As he always had.

"shh, stop your crying, I won't be able to fix whatever happened if your crying so hard you can't even form a coherent sentence." He says with a calm collected voice, though at the end it cracked in distress. Though I was so upset I hadn't noticed, didn't even notice the silent tears that also fell from his crillian blue eyes. To naive to understand, to upset to try.

I think he really needed me....

(Back to present)

I don't even know what reminded me of that, but I think I purposely tried to push that memory into the deepest depths of my mind. Afraid of knowing why he had always held me so tight. Terrified of the nightmares he lived, while asleep, and while awake.

I was so selfish... so terribly selfish to ignore what was right in front of me.

A week after that the beta, Mathias, had gone missing, I cried. Not because I would miss him; because we were never close enough to truly bond, but because I finally understood.... and my thoughts were proved to be true, when I looked over and seen the faintest of smiles on Noahs face, and if you looked close enough... you could see a sort of relief within the depths of his beautiful ocean eyes. Deep, dark, and in some ways scary, but in reality... just wise.

I never thought about it until now... but Noah is the alpha........ the true Alpha.

Hello, I know it feels as if I've been gone forever. My phone turned off and wouldn't turn back on; that had been going on for about two weeks, until yesterday. My mom took me to t-mobile, where I got my new phone. HURRAY!

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know a lot of you don't like Noah, but you have to understand that there is a reason behind every action.

And Noahs jerkish personality, is a way to cope with his own demons. So please.. love him with me.



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