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(Masons P.O.V.)

I was to busy trying not to laugh at my little mate scolding Noah, that I couldn't fully get angry at Noah for his hateful words. Especially when what he said wasn't far from the truth, though we don't really know what truly happened. But as a child it was difficult not knowing my mother, or never being able to see her for that matter, so I could understand the anger, and betrayal Noah felt; I mean I've felt it my whole life.

Looking around the room, everyone is frozen in their chairs, their expressions being one of complete surprise.

"That was so hot." Everyone turns there heads to look at a warrior named Kent, Kyle, kit? Whatever the hell his name is. I can't help but growl at his lustful gaze, that lingers the way my mate had just retreated. Is he talking about my mate? Best not be, i'll tear that boy a new scrotum. It seems Noah agrees with me because he's growling just as threatening.

"Shut the hell up Chris" A small, blue-eyed boy says from beside the head warrior; Zeke. That must be his younger brother, Xavier, he's the only other male-omega aside from Angel.

"Don't talk to me like that little brat, why don't you go back to sucking your old man's dick, slut." The Chris kid retorts with a scowl.

A ferocious growl suddenly escapes Zeke.

"If you dont shut your face Chris, your seriously going to regret it. Understood?"  He says lowly and calmly, making everyone in the room tense, aside from Noah and I, and suprisingly the old lady that sat next to Angel.

"Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it? Last time I checked you were to pussy to do anything, especially since what I said was the truth and you know it." The little twerp says while sitting back in his chair with a smug grin.

It all happened in a blink of an eye. Zeke lunging at Chris from across the table, and everyone jumping up from there seats, trying to avoid the pairs' claws. Blood is sent flying, while the two look blurred together due to their quick movements.

I'm so surprised that I don't even move from my spot, to focused on watching Zeke completely beat the utter shit out of the little bastard.

"Zeke, enough!" Xavier yells, trying to pull his brother off of the other kid, with no avail.

Xavier relentlessly tries to pull the two apart, awhile the others watch from across the room. He successfully wiggles his way between the two, till...


The sound resonates throughout the room, making everyone jump with an audible gasp.

The two stop fighting, immediately pulling away from one another.

"What the hell!!" Zeke screams while dropping to his knees, scrambling to loom over his younger brother, who now lays unconscious on the floor. Chris just stands there looking down at them with a dropped jaw.

"You fucking asshole! You hit him!" Zeke screams, causing the house to shake. His eyes turn to a bright gold color, while he starts to slowly stalk towards the now cowering wolf. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, he ju-just got in the way!" Chris tries to apologise, to the wolf who has lost all control.


Does that mean?

"If you ever come near my mate again, I will fucking rip your throat out." Zeke says with a dark unrecognizable voice. Well, if we were going to do anything before, we definitely can't now; not now that his wolf is out to play.

"I won't! I swear!" He pleads for his life, bowing his head in complete submission; while whining and whimpering pathetically.

Zeke turns around, but not before punching Chris square in the nose, making him crash into the wall with a pain filled scream.

He walks over to his brother/mate? Picking him up bridal style, and walking away without another word.

It's silent for a few minutes, everyone still trying to grasp onto what had just happened. Chris is still by the wall whimpering, and clutching on to his slowly healing nose.

"Someone take that ass-hat to the pack doctors, I can't hear his annoying whimpering anymore." Noah growls out, while rubbing his temples.

Two older females hurry next to Chris, and help him up; escorting him to the pack doctors.

We all sit down, and once again resume eating our dinner; in complete and utter silence.

'What the hell just happened?'

Short chapter I know. I've been unbelievable busy lately. I had full band-camp, then the last day of that I had to go to my enrollment for school. That same day, when my mom and I got home, we left to go camping for the weekend. So really this has been my only day not doing shit, other than going to get school supplies later today.

The next chapter will be longer, I promise, but school is starting on Thursday, so I don't know when I'll update again.

I'm gonna start an update schedule.

Friday: "Daddy's Little Kitten"

Saturday: "Unexpected Newcomer"

Sunday: "B I P O L A R"

I'm going to start this schedule sometime in the next two weeks. I want to adjust to school, then we'll see how well this schedule works.



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