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(Angel's P.O.V.)

I stick my pink blemished nose in the air; sniffing through the crisp morning air. A bitter sweet scent lingers in the air, causing goosebumps to run along my pale hairless skin.

I can't decipher what it is, but the tangy mouth watering scent makes something inside of me tingle. It's as if another being inside of me wants to escape from my body, to sniff out this tantalizing smell. I know I'm a werewolf shifter, but I haven't connected with my wolf yet, people say I must be a late bloomer, but I know how people are worried about my shifter, if there's a shifter at all. Shifters can get lost within their humans mind, if something traumatizing has occured, but I can still feel them, I know they're there, just waiting for the perfect moment to make themselves known.

These past years I've come to live with my new dad Michael have been amazing. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here today, so in all honesty I owe him my life.

Though I still haven't found the courage to tell him why I was in the forest to begin with, I've become comfortable enough to find warmth in his company.

He's a great man and has protected me from the monsters who chase me in my nightmares... In my memories. As have the other pack members, though I try to keep my self isolated from them. Afraid once I allow myself to trust them, that's when they'll decide to hurt me; just like they did...

My ears suddenly twitch when off in the distance Michaels' car approaches quickly. The alpha-omega bond has allowed me to feel his emotions, and as of right now I can practically smell the distress that's obvious even from where I hide.

My heart beat increases, once I feel Michaels' worry. 'What's going on?' I ask myself, awhile hiding. I doubt he'll see me considering the pack house is in the middle of the forest, and I'm well hidden behind the vines that encase a large oak tree, they entangle around me making them seem transparent against my white snowy skin.

"Angel, I want you to stay where you are. Don't come out until I tell you to, okay?"

Michael suddenly links, causing me to worry even more.

"Dad what's going on? My eyebrows are pinched together as the car passes the place I hide. To which I duck down even further, I don't miss the shadows of two passengers in the car, but their faces are to blurry for me to distinctly identify them.

"Nothing that you need to worry yourself over. My sons just don't do well with strangers, so I think it'd be best if you three meet at a later time. I wouldn't want to cause you anymore stress as much as you are already under." His voice is soft and kind as he speaks.

"Okay, I understand. When will I get to meet them?" I'm kind of jealous of dads sons, considering he talks about them all the time. He seems proud of his twin alphas, always speaking so highly of them. Now that their back, will he forget about me?

With that thought a pout pulls over my features, and my once happy mood disperses into thin air.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks in his worried fatherly tone.

"Nothing." Is my pitiful reply.

"Obviously something. Don't forget I can feel your emotions, and something is obviously bugging you. Is it about Noah and Mason?"

"Maybe." I answer reluctantly. What does he want me to say? I don't Like your kids, cause there gonna take all your love from me? No. I'd sound like a big whiny baby.

"They'll never take me away from you Angel. You're just as much my son as they are. Blood doesn't matter, I will always love you; whole heartedly, and they won't change that." His voice is tender and caring, making the worry disappear quickly, but the feeling still nags at me deep within.

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