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(Mason's P.O.V.)


My eyebrows furrow in suspicion when the man standing next to my farther smirks proudly towards my mate. All the while Angel is stood stock still in front of the strange man, his eyes are wide and alert which puts me even more on edge.

My body leans forward, ready to lunge forward to attack the man, if at any moment my wolf sees any sign of distress from my little mate. I look towards Noah, seeing he's just as tense and suspicious with this man's random and disapproved arrival.

"How are you Lachlan?" The room is filled with silence as the man states a name we've never heard.

"My name is not Lachlan, it's Angel." My mate suddenly states with a powerful and threatening voice. I internally flinch hearing his voice so confidant and.... dominant. My heart pounds as the two opponents stand there staring at one other with a swirl of emotions flying within their challenging eyes. The strangers; known as Nathan, sparkles with love and lust, as Angel's filled with hatred and disgust.

"Angel?.... hmm I like it, but you my love are no Angel." His smirk fades as he looks without blinking towards my now fuming mate.

"How do you two know each other?" My father suddenly decides to interrupt with an awkward laugh, in attempt to get the two to stop their aggressive banter towards one another.

"I don't know Angel, how do we know each other?" His smirk returns full force as my mate visibly cringes by the question. He stands silently for a few moments increasing the suspense within the room.

"I have no idea who this man is." He suddenly spits out through gritted teeth. Even though it's obvious he's lying, I feel as if somehow there's some truth behind his lie.

"Um.. okay?" Father says confusedley, just as everyone else on the suddenly claustrophobic room.

"Well, I guess now would be the perfect time to tell everyone that... Nathan is my mate."


What the hell?

I didn't even know my father was attracted to men!!??

Everyone's reaction is different.

My father who is definitely happy about the revelation; gripping Nathan's waist posessively, as Nathan stands awkwardly within his arms with a definite. Fake. Smile.

Angel stands with an unrecognizable expression, though you can clearly see how uncomfortable he is about the situation, just as Noah and I feel. Speaking of Noah I look towards where he's stood, staring blankly towards the new couple.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask through our mind link.

"I don't know. This whole situation is kind of freaking me out." He replies and I see him visibly shutter.

"Wow, I think that's the first time you haven't said something offensive and mea-" I don't get to finish what I was going to say, when he suddenly closes off our link.

I blink surprised while looking into his eyes, which have once again turned icy and cold. Hmm, maybe I spoke to soon.

"So I would appreciate it if everyone would treat him with the same respect you would for anyone else in this pack. He is an alpha of his own pack, the Shadow Masked pack, we still haven't talked about how we're going to arrange everything but I can assure you that they will respect us just as we will them." He smiles towards his new mate, so blinded by affection he doesn't even notice the man's odd behavior towards Angel.

Next thing I hear; that succussfully brings me out of my cluttered mind, is Noah yelling Angel's name, demanding him to come back.

I look up towards Angel, observently watching him retreat with hurried footsteps, towards the way of the front door. My eyebrows pinch together in confusion, seeing his hurt expression as he tries to escape Noahs grasp.

I start to walk towards the two, to figure our what's going on when... "Noah!"... "let him go. He needs time to breathe, and sort out his feelings. Let him have a moment to himself, he's very overwhelmed right now." Michael says with a pleading expression, it's in that moment that I see Noah hesitate for the first time in a long time. His moment of hesitation is short lived when Angel is now capable of slipping away, and escaping the silent room.

I can clearly decipher his smell, so I'm not too worried about losing him for I'll be able to sniff him out in a matter of seconds.

I only worry that if something "were" to happen, then I wouldn't be there to save him at that moment, but God forbid if something were to happen to my sweet mate; I wouldn't hesitate to hunt down the culprit, and distance their head from their pathetic bodies.

"Wow, you need to chill,"  I hear Noah's voice fill my mind with his sexy deep voice.

"You know you would do the same." I snort in a reply.

"You're wrong, I would rip their eyeballs out, shove them down their throat so they could watch me rip their intestines to shreads."  His voice is cold and deadly, making myself; as well as Alexander, whimper at the sure to be filled threat. I don't doubt for a second that he would carry out the violent act to anyone who touched Angel.

I smile; despite the fact he sounded like a murderer, realising just just how much Noah secretly cares...... Awwwww, he's so cute!!!

"Shut the hell up nimrod. What do you say to going and following our mate?" I shake my head to his question. "What about dad?" I question.

"What do you mean, 'what about dad?' He's so engrossed with his new creepy little perverted mate to even notice we're gone."

I look towards dad, and sure enough all his attention is on the fakety fake fucker to notice anyone around him, I mean you can practically see the floaty hearts swimming around his head. Disgusting, though now that I think about it, I think that's the first time I've ever seen him smile so fondly at anyone other than Noah and I, and of course Angel.

I frown at the realisation. "Hmm? So is it a yes or no, If no then I'll just go by myself, I'll be damned if I let my mate run around without anyone to watch after him,  especially when there's something going on. Which reminds me, that we need to ask Michael why we're really here." He huffs rolling his eyes.

I shake my head with a smile.

"I totally almost forgot, and yeah.. let's go staaaaalk our mate." I giggle in a teasing manner.

As I walk towards Noah, I decide to look back towards my dad one last time.

"I really am happy for him, even under the circumstances. It's been a long time since he's smiled like that." 

"Me too.. me too." And with that.... we begin our mate search...



All the love,

Okay so this chapter already updated once, and I was really mad about it; cause that was not my intentioms, so please be a dear, and act like you haven't read it already.

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