NOAH #1.

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(Noah's P.O.V.)

I inhale sharply, the smoke filling my lungs to the brim, I'm so used to the clouded toxin, that I hardly choke on the oxygen that is being stripped from my lungs. But to feel the high that leaves me on pure excastasy is definitley worth the stiff breath struggling to be released.

Time seems to flow differently when high, five minutes can feel like hours, hours can feel like seconds. But for me, time stops completely, the room doesn't even spin when i'm on this intoxicated rollercoaster. It's just still, no sounds no movement, an ever ending sledge of silence. Though sometimes the silence, can be so loud. Layering thickly over the loud booming music, that beats a drill through my sensitive ears.

I put my hands over my ears to block out the silence, whining pathetically. Yes I love to get high, but it causes my senses to heighten which is sometimes painful.

"You are a downright moron. You know that correct?" My wolf growls out angrily.

'It's my body, I can do with it what I want.' I reply smartly. Dumbass wolf thinking he can boss me around.

'I can assure you Noah, it is not I the dumbass.' I roll my eyes in annoyance, causing my wolf to laugh humorously.

'Also this isn't just your body, it's mine as well, and I do not like the way you fill it with these disgusting toxins. May I remind you, this stuff affects your mind, in return effecting me.' My wolf, Farris can seriously be a pain in the ass sometimes. I mean, I like to smoke weed, not always, but when your beyond stressed you tend to get a bit carried away, and that's unintentional of course. I would never purposely try to harm Farris, especially considering he's extremely vital for my survival.

But the simple fact is, I am going to continue smoking, but I will never allow myself to get far enough to effect Farris in any harmful way.


My thoughts are interrupted when my loud phone starts to ring. Considering the current situation, I know the caller must be one of two people, and one of them I'm not to keen to hear from.

Deciding to avoid that person, I don't answer it, and wait patiently to hear what 'knowledge' they have to 'bestow' upon me through voicemail.

It takes a moment for the ringing to stop, but soon enough I hear the voice I dispise most... god, I think my ears are gonna start bleeding.

"Hello, Noah it's Michael. I know I'm the last person you want to hear from right now, but there's an urgent matter at the pack house. I need you and Mason to get back as soon as possible. I had no intention in contacting you, but considering the situation at hand, I was left with no choice but to call you. Please call me back as soon as possible. I love you..... Bye"

Ew, it loves me. Hmm. Maybe I should just ignore his "urgent" message, and let the bastard take care of it himself.

I smile sadistically, but that soon vanishes when the thought of Mason comes to mind. I bet you Michael had already contacted him, and knowing Mason, he'll definitely force me to go back with him to that god forsaken place.

I throw my head back against the couch pouting like a five year old. Though I should be taking charge in the matter and acting like the 23 year old man I am. But I can't be bothered knowing once I do return to that nightmarish place, non stop bitching will commence once again. Why would anyone purposefully put themselves through that kind of hell?

Though I knew this time would come, I hadn't expected it to come so soon.

The day in which, I'd have to come home and relieve my father's duty as alpha. Just to watch my brother and i's self destroy every last happy fiber of our being, just by becoming alpha of our putrid pack.

I hate the despicable thought, but know Mason thinks differently. My brother had always thought so highly of our father, and our pack. He was always fufilling his future alpha duties, while I was off running, avoiding any of the problems the pack, or my father would try to put on me. I may have been the future alpha, but I was still a child. I didn't want to care for the pack, to relieve their stress, when I was feeling enough of my own stress.

'It is your duty to care for your people, to put them first before yourself. The fact that you had forgotten that makes me sad, no matter what we had experienced, or what we went through, we could have fought through it for the sake of our people.' Farris growled out in frustration, causing me to whimper, hurt that he would make make it seem as if my pain was less important than the packs well being. But that's how it's always been, as an alpha you cannot feel, you can not become weak in front of the eyes of your people, stand straight, be confident, and show no fear.... no pain...

'Why should I care? At the end of the day, when you go within the deepest depths of my mind, i'm a man, a human being. I just wish I could be normal, to not rely on a spirit that I talk to in my head, to not have to worry about all the work. I'd be a warrior, and a strong one at that. I never asked to be alpha, so you can't blame me for my bitterness.' I start to play with the holes in my black shirt, mindlessly using my other hand to ruffle my bleached blonde hair harshly.

'I'm not asking you to stop feeling, I'm asking you to stop reliving the past, to focus on the future, and I'm sorry to break it to you, but you. are. the future alpha, and as the alpha, the pack becomes your top priority, because their family, and you know you love them. All we can do now, is try and push away the past.'

I let out a long helpless sigh. I know Farris is right, but it's heart breakingly- maddening that I was chosen for this role through blood. If only I could stop it all...

'I know you don't want to. But the people could be in danger, and if you don't do it for them then do it for yourself. To prove to yourself and everyone else that you're not weak, and maybe you could begin to believe it yourself.'

Tears have clouded my porcelain blue eyes. Threatening to spill at any moment. I don't wish to be the man I am, but if I could prove to everyone else that I am the best that I could be, maybe I could convince myself that my life isn't as bad as it seems...

I decide that my wise wolf is right, which makes the last cord of sanity in me snap. I hesitantly grab my phone, calling that one person who I know is already packed and ready to go.



"Yeah hi Mason. I know you already got Michaels call, so um... I decided I'm gonna go with."

"We leave first thing tomorrow morning."

He hangs up quickly, without another word.

I have a feeling this little trip with be filled with many adventures...


Well would you look at that. I actually updated chapter one "Noah," I hope you enjoyed. If you did please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW.

P.S. So so sorry for any mistakes. I kinda felt bad for not updating in a while, though I said I wouldn't. So I just wanted to publish it and get it out of the way. Pwease forgive me *puppy face*

~Loveyoulots. ❤❤

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