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(Angel's P.O.V.)

My mind was running a million miles per second, I was slightly frightened, but something, somewhere inside of me was thrilled.

'Armonzo?' I questioned for maybe the hundreth time, since I heard the voice enter my mind. After the voice had made its self known, it had quickly fled, as if the person knew they had made some kind of mistake and quickly ran to hide once again.

I stared off into the grass, I was bent forward toward the wolf, though I had long forgotten about the beautiful beast in front of me. So enthralled with what's within my mind, I hadn't even noticed the wolf was lying down on his stomach, whimpering in worry.

'Please.. if you can hear me, talk to me. I need to know your there, that your real.' I pleaded in my mind, hoping he's not so far gone he can't even hear me calling out to him.

After a couple minutes of waiting I decided it was a lost cause and let out an exasperated sigh. I'm not gonna lie i'm kind of, okay, very upset that I couldn't get the stubborn thing to talk back to me.

'Fine, I'm done begging. Obviously there's a reason your not talking to me, so I guess I'll just have to wait. But just know, I'll be here waiting whenever your ready.' I sigh again, but soon a small smile suddenly overtakes the stony expression on my face, when I hear the faintest of "thanks" too quiet to hear, but somehow I just knew it was him.

I shake my head, my giddy and happy self soon disappears when I hear a bark coming from below me. I look down in fear, my heart racing with slight fright when I seen the wolf looking up at me with a small glare. I giggle at the adorable "menacing" look he's giving me.

"Awe, I'm sorry I ignored you." I pet his soft silky fur. It's as if a switch had turned itself on within my body. Cause now all I want to do is grab this big dog and squeeze the crap out of him and his cute little-big head. His smell is somehow stronger and more prominent, it's a variety of honey and dirt.... interesting combo.... though he makes it work.

"Do you want to shift for me?" I ask, slightly curious to who the human counterpart is.

The wolf shakes his head, leaning up to lick my face with his large slobbery tongue.

"Ewwww gross! Dog slobber!" I laugh while pushing his face away from mine, though he's way stronger than me and easily pushes me onto my back while climbing on top of me, not stopping with his relentless licks and ticklish nips.

I kick my legs out trying to squirm my way from under the large animal. His whole body is larger than mine, and he slightly stands on his paws, trying to keep himself from squishing me.

I'm laughing so hard that his large slimy tongue licks into my mouth on accident. Okay, that's gross.

I immediately stop laughing and try to push him away as hard as I can, all the while I stare at the wolf with a disgusted expression.

"Jeez dude, that was just nasty, I would appreciate it if you didn't put your tongue in my mouth." Welp, that sounded dirty.... he jumps off of me stretching his body, he laughs in a weird wolfey way, making me glare at him.

'You're too cute.'

I gasp, hearing a foreign voice enter my mind....

'Who are you???' I question while looking all around me.

'Wait... you can hear me?' The voice questions in bewilderment, I don't answer but I gulp loudly. Too afraid of the question, what does this person mean can I hear them? This is a new person, nothing compared to the soft comforting voice of Armonzo, but strong and powerful, and all around terrifying the SHIZ out of me!

'Hey, don't be scared, I'm the last person you should be scared of. My names Farris, and i'm right beside you.'

I quickly look beside me with wide eyes, seeing nothing but grass and dirt. Holy shiz i'm going crazy... I'm talking to grass.

'No.... the other side.' My head turns towards the other side, and I let out a loud gasp seeing the wolf looking at me with an annoyed expression.

"What the hell!!!" I breath in and out, okay so there's only two reason why he could be able to talk through a mind link, one: he's my mate, which obviously he is, but you have to be mated before you connect within a mind-link, or two........he's apart of my pack...

"Who are you?" I whisper into the air.

And right before my eyes, the wolf suddenly shifts into something I never would have expected.


Another update, your welcome. I was really bored and had nothing else to do. I don't really like this chapter, but I had no idea what else to write, because I'm having some writers block. Oops.

Well there you go, sorry for any mistakes, I just don't feel like going through and correcting anything.

Anyway please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW.


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