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(Masons P.O.V.)

The sunlight creeping through my blinds burn my eyes, making me squint in irritation. My grey silk sheets rub softly against my muscular thighs but after a long restless night they've begun to trap me in a tangled heap, making me feel suffocated. I have a feeling I'm not gonna have a very good day...

I let out a long exasperated sigh, peering over towards my alarm clock. It's only six which causes me to groan in frustration. "why cant I just sleep in for once?" I want to throw my clock across the room, put black drapes on my windows, and take some fucking zolpidem. Good thing it works for dogs too...


"Who the hell is up at this time? Oh right... me," I think sarcastically. I roll my eyes grabbing my phone from the bed side table.

"Hello?" I answer in a forced happy tone.

"Hello Mason, its Michael." I internally groan, I love the man, but damn why so early?

"Oh hey dad, what's up?" I feign curios, which in reality, I'm not interested at all.

"Well I don't mean to inconvenience you, I know how important your mate search is. But there's an issue here at the pack house."

"Oh, what's going on?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion, sitting up now interested. Whatever the situation is, it must be pretty important considering he's calling me during a critical time such as this.

"I don't think this is the best time to discuss this, it'd be best if we include your brother in the matter. I'm going to attempt a call with him later, though I know he won't answer so I was wondering if you could give him a call?"

"You seriously think he's going to listen to me?" I shake my head dumbfounded.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do."

"Whatever dad I can try, but I'm not guaranteeing he'll listen."

"Okay, thanks son. I'll see you soon I guess."

"Yeah, see you soon." I end the call, throwing my phone somewhere in my large spacious apartment. Not really caring by now if it shattered into a million pieces.

The only reason Noah and I are on this trip, is in search for our mate. In order to become alpha, every heir must find their mate so it will ensure the safety of the pack. Considering our mate will be our Luna, it all inclines to the overall way the pack will work together. For my father to interrupt it, must mean something is very wrong.

'Are we going to call your brother?' My wolf Alexander links.

'Well knowing Farris, we can assume that he'll lecture Noah to know end. So I'm hoping he'll come to his senses and realise on his own terms.' I let out a helpless sigh. Why can't life just be simple?

'True, but we have to be sure that he actually comes. Whatever is going on back at the pack house must be pretty bad. I can honestly feel it, something's not right.'

'I feel it too.' I reply shortly. There's nothing much more I can say, it's obvious there's something wrong, but we won't know till we're back on pack territory.

With a struggled sigh, I decide I should get up and reluctantly pack the many suitcases I brought for the trip. This is going to be a long day, not only do I have to pack, but I have to be sure to call my future beta Louis, and have him get a ticket for my extremely long, and exhausting plane ride home.


After having Louis schedule a plane back home, I had successfully packed every last piece of clothing that was scattered aimlessly throughout the large complex apartment. I have yet to hear from Noah, causing slight anger and anxiety to strike through me. Alexander whines at the thought, of something being wrong with our mate, but stays strong, remembering Noah is an alpha and can very well take care of himself.

It's been quite difficult for Noah and I, ever since we discovered that we'd be sharing a mate, and being alphas of the same pack, we're already very competetive towards one another. Noah is often jealous with just the thought of sharing a mate with me, but I on the other hand don't mind. I love Noah, he's not only my brother but my mate. I just wish he felt the same way, he's always tried to push me away when I try to give him any kind of affection. But it's always been one sided, so I was hoping once we found our mate it would maybe change his mindset about our relationship.

RING RING RING. My phone interrupts my saddening thoughts, causing me to jump back from the loud sound that pierces my sensitive ears. I hit answer and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" A slight pause is heard over the line.

"Yeah hi Mason. I know you already got Michaels call, so um... I decided I'm gonna go with."

My breath hitches, smiling ever so slightly at the cute voice on the other side of the line. Imagining his muscular form hunched over, with a cute blush painted on his soft cheeks.

"We leave first thing tomorrow morning."

I hung up the phone, I wanted to say I love you but knew it'd be a big mistake on my part, it'd probably start a fight considering how short tempered Noah can be. Nevertheless I do love that boy, and can't wait till we're marking one another and whoever our little mate is.


Hello, I updated.... Again. 😊😊 I'm so proud of myself, I honestly have a sh*t ton of homework to do, but thought "eh.. Giving my precious readers a new update would be much more fun."

Sorry for any mistakes I went through and checked. So if I missed something, don't hesitate to point it out. I know these first few chapters have been fillers, but I wanted you to get the basic feel of there situation, before it gets into the real good stuff. 😉😉



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