Intro =P

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   Ugh I'm in this useless cafeteria again. I don't like the cafeteria food, noise, people, not my thing.  Don't get me wrong I like people just ignorant people I can't deal with. Here I'm considered the delinquent, quiet boy, Blah Blah Blah. I reallllyy don't care what people call me; I just know that I never say anything back.  For all I care people see me as a presence. 

People want to know why I don't say anything back? I don't have time for these so called "adolescents" here. They're trashy, potty mouth, ignorant people. I don't feel that way about everyone,  It's just there's that majority that think they are the head of the school.  Excuse me, the last time I checked the principle was the head of the school and in their eyes we're just students.  The girls here are trashy; I wouldn't want to take any of them to meet my parents EVER. Even though, I may be a "delinquent" I care, I have feelings sometimes ya know? P.S. Yeah, I usually go on these rants everyday. 

    I realized that these people here are so ignorant and not considerate at all, even though, I was once a jerk but, in a way I still cared about other people (Flashback to when I wasn't a delinquent)

Brandon: "HEY! "

Jake: "Watch where your going you goofy Ugh."

Brandon: "Um Um I'm sorry I I I Um should get going".

Jake: "Yeah you should just watch where your going". 

Brandon started snickering then it became laughter.  I sort of thought he may have lost his mind, cause I didn't see anything funny.

Jake: " What are you laughing at huh?"

Brandon: " You haha you hahaha said you goofy."

Jake: " ~Sarcastically laughs~ "haha yea whatever Brandon just stop bumping into me every time I see you in the hall."

      Brandon bumped into me again like always. I use to let it slide and say it's ok but today, I was a little annoyed.  Everyone here called him boil because he has a boil on his jaw.  It didn't amuse me because, these people here didn't know the difference between boils and a pimple/acne but whatever.

       People started calling me a he-she just because, I knew the terms of the facial area. But, I shut that down quickly because I don't cross dress for one and everyone knew I was into photography. It was important to know alot of terms that maybe guys at my school wouldn't be interested in, but, why would I even care? How did I start on this thought anyway ? oh yeah Brandon.

     Then, I lost my thought because all of a sudden I heard a crash and banging on the lockers.  I turned around to see Brandon hunched down on the floor and some of his books on Dayquan's shoes.  Right then and there, I knew it was going to be trouble but, I really didn't feel like getting involved.

    Dayquan and I are very similar, he gets along with everyone except, he claims he doesn't get along with people that " look like a creep" whatever, but, Dayquan didn't play at all and didn't like games and the littlest things would tick him off.  After, Brandon fell, Dayquan slammed his hand on the lockers "LOOK WHAT YOU DID YOU CREEP GET YOUR BOOKS OFF MY SHOES NOW" then, I heard him mumble " Probably has buggers all over those filthy books."

      ~Sigh~ Brandon was so clumsy, but, I just had to stand up for him even though, I called him a durp. I didn't think all the negative things Dayquan was saying was necessary.  It was petty if you ask me. It was just books and that's the only thing that touched Dayquan and it was just his shoes.

         Then, I really got pissed when I heard Dayquan girlfriend say a racist comment to Brandon, which, I shall not repeat.  I didn't get pissed because, I'm the same race as Brandon, I'm actually mixed with black, white and puerto rican.  It was the fact that I don't like racism and plus this was a multicultural school.  We had people of all races and cultures here and alot of us are of different races.  Also, what really got me was the fact that Dayquan's girlfriend best friend was a different race than she was.  No matter how bad I didn't want to get anymore involved in anything, I just had to.

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