Being Unusual Me

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Jake Pov~~~

I looked at the table Alexia was at and she waved.

My mind was blank, do I wave back or? The old me would of waved smiled and came over and sat by her. I feel like I don't know what to do with myself sometimes. I'm lost, I'm...never mind if I think too hard things arn't going to be so happy.

Alexia looked like she was thinking . She's sooo... No no no thinking about people. I don't want to think about my "crush".

Lunch was over and classes zoomed right past me and I was walking in the neighborhood, before, I knew it. I walked to school everyday, since I don't really do much when I'm home. I lost weight, but, I never intended to lose my muscular body.

Dayquan lived close by but, I didn't stop by, neither did he. It made me feel like he didn't care how I was really doing. My best friend didn't even come by to check on me.

Mom: "Jakeeeeee"


Mom: "How was school"

I ~Sighed~ "Good"

Mom: "Baby? son are you ok"

" I will be"

She just looked at me. I walked up to my room. I didn't really like talking about my life. Life is good. When people ask me about life I say I'm Good.

I did some homework then, got in the bed. I know... why would a delinquent do homework? Well, I'm not trying to stay in high school an extra 4 years sooooo.....

My phone was ringing. I saw it was Dayquan and I paused. I let it ring then, he called back. I answered.

Dayquan: " Hey man how are you?

" I uh"

Dayquan: "Jake?"

I didn't know what to really say..I wanted to talk but, I don't really talk about how I'm feeling now, that this has been going on.


Dayquan: "Listen is there something going on at your house"

I didn't say anything. I didn'thave words to say right now, because, I didn't want rumors. Rumors were already going around in my school. I don't want anymore.

He called my name a few times then, he hung up. I didn't call back. I didn't want to get in to what was going on at home. Why should I? I don't talk about it to people.

I'm lost.

I don't have friends at school, not anyone that I claim to be friends with.

My phone is ringing but, this time it was a number I haven't seen before.


Unknown: "Jake"

"Um who is this?" I asked in a nice tone.

Unknown: "Uhm someone from your school"

It was a female, she sound so high pitch and sweet and awe.

"That's not really the answer that I was looking for."

Unknown: "Why are you so distant from your friends in school?"


Unknown: "Yes"


Unknown: "I Have to go bye"

What? I was so curious of who's voice that was and then, she had to go. That was kind of weird. Should I change my number?

I don't have a job, so changing my number right now isn't really an option.

It was the next day. (Saturday)

I have no friends, so, I don't make moves like that. I use to have pratice and everything now, I have nothing to do. I heard Jakey screaming.

I Ran sooo fast to him. He was just laughing, my dad was tickling him. Wait My Dad? The one who slaps me? Playing?

I havn't seen a smile on my dads face in awhile. My dad looked at me and a tear was in the corner of my eye. My dad gasped slightly and I turned and went to the kitchen. Iv'e been emotional, but, it's hard to keep it in. I feel like I'm more stressed than they are . They act like that letter that I read never came in the mail.

They tried hard to keep their kids happy.

I wasn't.

I decided to go outside and take a walk to get some fresh air.

I saw Alexia, I didn't understand why she was in my neighborhood.

She started to smile. I looked beside me to check to see if she was really smiling at me.

Her smile went away. I don't know why? A car was racing down the street and I was in the way. I moved as quick as I could but it still tapped me; I stumbled. Alexia went running towards me and the car stopped.

This guy came out saying don't sue don't sue.


Alexia: "Jake pleaseee no are you ok?"

"I started to walk away. I didn't mean to be a certain way towards alexia, but I need to get away from the accident, if it was an accident."

I started to limp. I didn't get hit that hard did I? My heart was beating in my head. I clasped.

I could hear my surroundings.

Alexia: " help don't stand there help"

I heard Alexia. more people started to come outside, I could tell.

I heard Dayquan's voice, but things started to sound jumbled but, I could still hear things.

I felt myself being picked up.

I heard the ambulance, fire trucks and police.

I didn't think it was a real bad accident.

I woke up in a room. I was in the hospital just lying there staring at my parents.

Mom: "Jake"

"yeah" my voice was soft

Mom: "I'm so glad your up"

It was my mom. My dad had tears in his eyes.

I had no real emotion.

All I could say were blunt words.

Blunt words and blunt sentences in my head.


Major Cliffhanger ? I wanted to post a chapter for my awesome readers this week.  I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you stick around for the next chapter.  Comment, Vote, Follow.

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