Jake's Return

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Ting Ting Ting ~

I hear my alarm sounding off, I crack one eye open to see daybreak. I shut my eye and started to hear my alarm again. I slowly rolled out of bed rubbing my eyes.

I stroll to the bathroom and I start to brush my teeth. So, I do this thing where I hum and brush my teeth at the same time, I guess it helps me get through my morning routine.

I look in the mirror after brushing my teeth. It feels different seeing myself so different. I mean this is who I once was. I mean who I am. I don't know, see, I make things so confusing for myself.

I keep telling myself that I can do this; I can make it through the school day, the school year. I rarely get nervous but today, I'm nervous. It feels like the first day of high school but, 10x worse. I don't think anyone is expecting me, not even Dayquan because I ignore his phone calls and text. I know, I'm such a bad friend but who cares, people don't really care for me except my family and I know everyone wants to defend him like oh no he's like your bro. Yeah, I don't want a "bro" right now.

Enough of the rambling, I need to head downstairs before I'm late. I head out the bathroom and start walking downstairs. I was greeted by a warm smile by my mom.

Mom: "Heyyy, Jake!! You ready to head out ?"

Jake: "Ehhhh"

Mom:" I know, I know but, you will be just fine. You have so much support by us and your friends"

Jake: "yeah"

Mom: "love you" ~kisses Jake's forehead

My mom talking about some friends, what friends? I wheel myself to the front door in my wheel chair. I actually gave him a name, his name is wheelie. I know sounds kiddish right ? But, I'm stuck with him for a few months so, why not?

I make my way to my Dad's car and he's sitting in there smiling real cheesy. I get in and Dad greets me.

Dad: "KIDDOOO... How You Feelinn?"

Jake: "Perfect, Great, Outstanding"

Dad: "Keep That Same Energy All Day"

I couldn't help but laugh in the inside. My Dad had an odd way of cheering me up or making me laugh or something. After about 15 mins we pull up at my school.  I took a deep breath and sighed.  A rush of anxiety came over me and my face began to heat up.  I tried to think happy thoughts happy happy thoughts but, I was struggling.  I began to think of what  Max told me at our last wheelchair lesson about just being positive. My Dad watched me ease out the car into my chair.

Dad: ~waving out the window~ "have a nice one Kid, if you need me you know where to find me just give me a call and take it easy! Everything is going to be alright Kid."

I just cracked a small smile and waved. I knew my Dad sensed my nerves but, he couldn't just allow me to stay home when I'm well capable of attending school.

I'm wheeling myself into the school, the halls are hectic as usual. I began to wheel myself further into the hall. All of a sudden it was like everyone froze and parted ways and made a clear path for me. People were standing on the left and right side. It almost felt like a dramatic high school musical scene, I'm just waiting for them to cue the music.

Anyway it felt super awkward, I mean I didn't think this was necessary and all eyes are on me. I literally just want a normal school day. I wheel down this path in silence and made it to my class. Mrs.Darrs greeted me and told me to sit right smack dab in the front. I mean it's okay I guess it just doesn't feel normal for me, I never sit in the front, maybe old Jake would but, New Jake ? Naw.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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