Home Sweet Home

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Today is the day!!!! I go home today. I am excited but, afraid of the future. My family is elated but, I am not sure if I am that happy. I told my dad what I want to wear on my first day out of the hospital. He brought my black jeans that have small rips in them, a dark grey tee and my leather jacket. I threw on my Jordans and headed to the waiting room. Jakey hollered JAKE, JAKE! I ran to him and picked him up and held him.  He gave me a big hug and it felt so good to be able to have the strength to lift my little brother up.

My mom and dad came and gave me a group hug. 

Dad: "ready kiddo"

Jake: "Haven't been more ready Dad"

I carried Jakey to the car.  It actually felt like we were one big happy family.  We haven't all been out together as a family in a long time.  I strapped Jakey in the backseat and got in the front passenger seat and put my seat belt on. 

We beat our parents to the car so, we just waited patiently.  I was wondering what was taking them so long, they were walking like snails.  I peeked in the rear view mirror and as I predicted they were walking pretty slow.  Their mouths were moving, I wonder what they were discussing.  They weren't smiling or anything so, I hope it's not anything that could turn into an argument later.  I just knew they wouldn't have an argument in this moment; not in my moment.

My Dad hopped in the Driver's seat and you heard the click from his seat belt.  My mom was in the backseat accompanying Jakey.  The car was silent.  We didn't live too far from the hospital, maybe about 25 minuets. 10 minuets of driving my Dad broke the silence

Dad: "Jake how you feeling"

Jake: "Ok"

Dad: "Just Okay? That's not good enough, I can turn the car around if you think your not 100 percent better yet."

Jake: "Dad not funny"

Dad: " ~chuckles~ okay okay, trust me no one wants to see you back in the hospital."

I think my Dad is just trying to break silence with humor, you know trying to break the awkwardness in the car.  You would think it would be so much to talk about on the way home but, I guess not.  I think everyone is still in shock from the past few weeks.  I think the first thing I'm going to do when I get home is get in the bed and take a long nap.  I don't really feel rested as you can imagine.

- 15 mins later -



I know my parents were trying to make me feel welcomed. You know, feel at home again and I gotta admit it's kind working. I put a smile on my face and gently opened the car door and eased out of the car. I start to bend down to grab Jakey out of his car seat when my Mom replies

Mom: " I Got Him Jake"

As much as I wanted to grab my little brother and carry him in the house, I was happy that she volunteered because I am not necessarily supposed to be lifting anything and I'm a little sore today.

I walked slowly to the front door, I had so much more energy when I left the hospital doors but, I'm not sure what is happening to me right now.  I'm extra tired.

I reached the front door, I unlocked the door and entered our house.  My mom loves those plug-in air fresheners so, the house smelled like clean linen.  How much I miss this scent. 

I walk through the house looking at almost everything and touching everything.  I could tell my family did some serious cleaning before I came home.  Not that the house was dirty, I could just tell things are a little different.  I'm walking in the kitchen, running my hand across the countertop. 

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