Intro Prt.2 =P

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From Previous Chpt:

People wanted to know why I changed, especially, Dayquan. He will still try to talk to me, but, I keep conversations real short. My mom wanted to know why I dyed my hair black and like my bangs some what over my eyes; why I would get my lip and eyebrow pierced.

Do You Really Wanna Know?



I heard my phone go off and in my head I'm thinking who in their right mind will call me while, I'm sleeping. I'm cranky when my sleep has been disturbed. I look at the phone to see who it is calling me and realized that it's my alarm. I forgot ! I fooled myself yesterday(Thursday) that it was the last day of school for the week.  I did that to convince myself to go to school because, I was so tired but, I regret this because I feel worst than yesterday.

I slowly crawled out my bed to hear my parents arguing. They thought they were whispering but, it was sure a loud whisper or was it because they were right outside my door. Really they really choose to do this right in front of MY door. But rather my door than Jakey's ~Shrugs shoulders~.

Jakey is my 2 year old little brother and yes my name is Jake and his name is Jakey. I was 14 when my parents had him, well rather my mother ya know what I mean. I tried my hardest to convince my parents not to name him Jakey it was the worst idea to me. Jakey is more of a pet name, a mushy gitchy gitchy goo baby name. I wonder if they know he's not going to be a baby forever. Look at me now, I was once a baby, now I'm not. I'm a TEENAGER and it seems like still my parents haven't gotten that through their head yet. Ugh now I have that look at me now song stuck in my head from saying look at me now.

Now, I'm up because when songs get stuck in my head it drives me nuts. Anyway, back to Jakey, My parents wouldn't listen to me after all that begging I did to try to save Jakey from his name. I know when he gets in grade school he is going to be mad at mom and dad for naming him this. But all Jakey does when his name is called is laugh, he doesn't know any better, he just knows that's what everyone calls him. And to think my father was manly enough to know he wouldn't want a name like that but, my dad claims its mom's idea and he loves her so he couldn't disagree.

Love? I'm not really sure if I know what love is but, I want to know. OMYGOSH now, I have that song I wanna know what love is stuck in my head combined with look at me now. Ugh, what am I going to do with myself but, Hey, I love me. If you haven't notice, I'm a little arrogant but whatever, as long as I still care about other people right? Anyway I keep getting distracted and also if you haven't noticed I get distracted alot too.

But anyway back on subject. I know, I like someone; this girl named Alexia. and no not Alex or Alexis it's Alexia. Sorry, but Dayquan gets her name wrong all the time and it gets on my nerves. All he knows is the A part and I bet if I call him right now and ask him, he will get it all types of wrong. Since, I'm defending her name does that mean I love her? or just like her?. ~Sigh~ I wish I knew, well wait maybe, I don't because some people say loves hurts is that true?

Anyway wait, how did I start thinking about her? Oh yeah, cause she always on my mind, wait no dad right dad duh. Get it together Jake, Get it together. Before, I could get all my thoughts back on track again, I heard a thumb on my door and then yelling. All I could do was take a deep breath and close my eyes. I hate it when mom and dad fight. Does this go on in every family? It's sad to say this, but far as my parents and relationships, I don't think I want to have a relationship like that. I wouldn't be able to have arguments so often like they do. I never really knew what they were arguing about, but I knew maybe, it was something serious, because, they never really had long loud arguments like this before.

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