I Dont Care...

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Recap From Previous Chapter:

I thought to myself, why is she here, she always act like she's better than everyone. No one really talks to Jake in school, so, I didn't expect anyone from school to be here other than us and if I had to guess someone coming to see Jake, she would be the last person. Why is she here?

Taytiana's Pov:

I was on the way to the hospital to see Jake. Yes, I'm the same girl that spread the rumor about him reading someone's mail at the bus stop and said he started crying, if you were wondering.  Yes, I know, I'm a horrible person.

I found out about Jake being in the hospital by the News reporting the story.  Our County reports every little thing that happens here, because, not much happens where we reside and no I'm not saying that Jakes accident was a little thing.  If that's what your wondering.  It's just compared to other counties this wouldn't have been something reported on the News.  Also, we live in the same neighborhood and I knew they would drop him off at the nearest hospital.

I'm a little bit nervous about all of what I'm going to see.  On the News they stated that he's in critical condition.  I want to at least show my face, let him know I came to see him.

I got out of the car and walked into the hospital. I was able to find my way to the section that I was supposed to be in. When I walked through some double doors I saw Dayquan and what's that other girl name ? I don't know, don't care, but, it's something with an A. They were talking to each other.  I saw a couple that looked like could of been Jake's parents. I'm not sure, I recognize them from my neighborhood though.

It feels so strange being in a hospital to see a school mate.  I didn't bother to speak to Jake's Family or Friends.  It's too awkward, it's not a happy time, it's a sad time.  I walked to his room door, but, as I was approaching his door it felt like I began to move slower and slower.  The nerves got the best of me and my hands started to tremble.  I felt a rush of
adrenaline coming over me and I pushed his room door open. 

I peeked in his room, I couldn't go in right away.  He was still like a board. I couldn't really see him over the pillows they had at the foot of his bed.  I inched in the room.  I tried to walk very quietly; I wasn't sure if he was asleep.  First, I noticed his feet, they were prompt on the pillows I saw.  His leg are wrapped up real tight and his arm as well. I got to his face and one side of his face was a lil puffy and he had a bandage on his forehead.  His lip looks like it may have split too.  He is sleeping, I want him to wake up so bad.  I want to talk to him so bad. 

It's heartbreaking to see him like this.  I don't mean just the accident. Overall, it's hard to see him change so drastically and quickly.  I whispered "what happened to you"

I just stood there for awhile. I heard him take a deep breath and then, his eyes started to crack open. It looks like once, his eyes focused on me, he looked shocked.  I heard him trying to say something but it came out super horse and raspy.  I put my finger on his lips in a way to tell him shh.

His eyes got big then, he scrunched his eyebrows as if to say he didn't want me touching him at all.

"Hey" I said eagerly

Jake: ......

He didn't say anything, but, I continued to talk.  "How are you doing ? You don't have to answer.  I can imagine the pain and not wanting to face certain people, but, you can't help it."

Jake: ....

"Umm..so,  I guess, you've seen Dayquan and your other friend that name starts with an A"

Jake: "What do you want from me?"

"What do you mean? Nothing at all. Just came to see you, say hello, get well soon and don't talk too much your voice is so weak."

Jake: "Don't tell me what to do"

"I'm trying to give you advice, before you lose your voice.  I know I've treated you horrible but let's get past that for now on"

Jake: "What?"

" Ok Ok, I'm sorry.  There"

Jake: .....

His wrap was a little loose on his arm.  I began to fasten it and he started flapping his good arm, aggressively saying "stop stop stop"

"I'm trying to help."

Jake: " I don't need it."

"Yes you do"

Jake: "No"

-sigh "Why are you giving me a hard time"

Jake: "Hm, you should know the answer"

"So, your not going to let it go?"

Jake: ...

"Fine". I reached out and slapped his bad arm

Jake: "He winced"

I felt really bad afterwards.  I act too fast based on my emotions.  "I'm realllly sorry"

Jake: "WHAT? You clearly did this on purpose.  Please leave or I'm pressing the help button"

"No, wait, please. I care so much about you from the day I saw you at the bus stop reading mail to now.  I know it doesn't make sense, I just....". I heard a beeping noise! I looked over at his hand and he has it smashed on the help button. I leaned down and kissed his forehead.  "I like you" I whispered into his ear.  I walked to his door so that I can leave.

Jake: "Tay"

I was kind of happy inside that he called me by my nickname. Does this mean something? I stopped in my tracks, I kept my back turned.

Jake: " I hate you"

I spun around and stared at him in shock.  He was watching me.  He smirked a nonchalant smile and started waving bye.  My eyebrows knitted together in disbelief that he said that.  I ran out the room before any nurses or doctors came.  I won't stop running until I make it outside the hospital.  Dayquan spotted me and started yelling "What Happend? WHAT HAPPENED?" I didn't answer, didn't want to.

I got to my car, hopped in and drove.  I had to stop at a red light. His voice saying those words kept replaying in my head over and over.  I know some people didn't like me because of the way I dress and speak to people, but, I never had anyone hate me so much before.  I actually never had someone tell it to my face.

I know it sounds confusing for me to tell him that I like him and I know y'all are saying, are you serious right now, after all you have done. Maybe I'm being genuine, maybe, I'm not.


Heyyy, I hope you all enjoyed the double upload!!! So, this chapter was probably unexpected and her POV was a long time waiting for.  Y'all probably didn't expect hearing from her, right ? 😂 So! Tayyyyytiana ! She is the most despised character in this book.  Does she really like him or is she feeding his ego and being cruel.  Comment and let me know what you think! Is she genuine or not ?

Next chapter will be coming soon.  Since, I'm on break I have more time to spit out chapters! Thanks Everybody 😁

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