Hope For Help! =p

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~Dayquan's Pov~

Its lunch time and I'm sitting at a table with Alexia, Trey, and Taytiana. Trey & Taytiana are Twins just one a girl, the other a boy. I just started hanging with them after Jake changed. Jake hasn't been the same at all. We haven't talked in forever, well, its been a month. Still a month is too long. Jake even changed his appearance. He grew his hair out, well his ban out, no not bans, what is it.......bangs! there we go! that's what it's called. He grew his bangs out almost over his eyes and dyed his hair black. He also has piercings now and wear alot of wrist bands and stuff.

I look over and see Jake sitting down on the floor against one of the columns in our cafeteria, drinking water. Another thing, I noticed about him he's getting skinny. I catch myself staring at Jake, once, I realized he was staring back, I turned around . I need to talk to him and ask him what's up with him because changing his appearance is one thing, keeping himself distant from people including his friends is another and it's not normal for him at all.

I know for a fact that the whole rumor thing about him wasn't the cause of this. I know Jake, he would never let anything like this bring him down this much. I wish I knew who started this rumor, even though, the rumor has faded, I still want to know who did it and tell them what I think. But, hey only Jake knows who did it and he wants to drop it, but, that's not me! I'll put up a fight. I'm not going down for nothing.

He needs to stop acting like this, I mean what happened? he just changed without notice and I feel like I don't know who he is anymore, but, I know deep down inside of him he misses and needs me as a friend.  Who doesn't need their best friend right!? Or am I his best friend anymore; this is real bad.

" Dayquan"

I turn around to see Ashlin standing in front of me


Ashlin: " ~sigh~ Look Dayquan we need--

" No No Ashlin we don't! there's nothing to discuss"

Ashlin:" Please Baby hear me out. I need you, I need to talk to you."

"Ok Ashlin if you can tell me who started that rumor about Jake then, we can talk."

Ashlin: " I I Dayquan this happened a longgg time ago.  Why are you still worried about it? Plus, I can't tell you, because I dunno. I'm sorry this thing made him distant from you, but there's nothing you can do"

I looked up at Ashlin with pure sadness and slight anger in my eyes " No this didn't let him down.  This didn't do this to him, something else happened and if you think he's weak, he's not, ok. There is something to be done, it's to talk to him and get him help"

Ashlin: "Can we play a little truth or dare?"

"Ashlin? Games really your such a little girl. Go head somewhere with that"

Ashlin: "Dayquan do it now"

"WHAT? Little Girl?


"Fine Truth"

Ashlin: " Truth is.....~Takes a deep breath~ Jake isn't going to want help, especially with his behavior now is like... so distant and he acts as if he wants people to back off and not talk to him. And good luck with talking to him because he talks to no one"

I thought about what Ashlin said, she was right.  He's not going to want help, but, at least Jake will know that I care and is still there for him and always will be. But Ashlin seemed a little suspicious about my question about the rumor.  She kind of stuttered and looked in a different direction. I think she may really know something and I know exactly how to get it out of her.

Ashlin wanted to get back with me. Ever since that day she made a racist comment to Brandon.  I told her it was over. What she said just bothered me alot and I just couldn't be with her like that. We weren't really friends really but we talked sometimes. I wasn't going to act like I hated her if she wanted to still talk to me. For a minuet, I was thinking about making a deal with her.  If she tell me who started the rumor we can get back together. Although, I will get answers out of this idea, I decided not to do it.  I didn't want her to think I was going to go with her just cause I promised if she tells me because that would be wrong of me. 

Sometimes, Ashlin can say some really stupid things, but, she really is not a bad person. She is nice and sweet, it's just she did care a little too much about reputation. Me and Jake had our own little thing about reputation. We both didn't care about our reps because we knew that once, we graduate from here it's not really going to be all about reputation. We are going to be mostly focused on college, money, and our girl. But, I guess some people just don't realize the truth yet.

"Um Ashline why are you sitting, I didn't say you can sit with me."

Ashlin: "Dayquan stop being such a baby, baby~Winks~"


Ashlin: "See I just proved my point! you act so childish all the time, sometimes you need to grow up."

"Ashlin quit acting like you never liked my inner kid"

Ashlin: "Aha funny Dayquan like I ever liked you"


Ashlin: ~sigh~ "I was just kidding and shutup before people notice who your talking to and some type of rumor spreads"

"That's exactly what I want,  you read me so well."

Ashlin: "You want that for me and not Jake? you jerk"

"Ashlin don't test me.  DO NOT put Jake in this conversation."

Ashlin: "Dang it, Dayquan do you always have to be so loud? Look people are looking and if you wanna save your rep, I think you should shutup which means do not talk and just use messages or something because to me it seems like you just cant stop yelling."

"Because you make me mad and you think I care about some stupid rep. If you care about your rep rather than your best friend you are cold, cruel and mental."

Ashlin: "Your opinion, but, you don't know who your real friends are when you have a high popularity like us ya know. ~Sigh~ Jake is a good guy but was he really your friend?"

Ashlin: "Why would you ask such a dumb question like that really? you, me, Jake, Ariel and Alexia have been friends since like 5th/6th grade and you ask me something like that."

Ashlin: "When did my best friend Ariel and you become friends? And yea but we were still popular."

"Ok Ashlin! ~rolls eyes~ I doubt he cared about popularity in elementary school really because now were in high school and me nor him cares about rep. I think you need to have some time out and think about what you just said to me and you and I both know Jake fairly well don't you think?"

Ashlin: " Dayquan you know me and Jake stopped talking once we got to high school.  Now, it's either drop this whole idea and realize Jake is unhelpable or to keep wasting your time trying."


Cliffhanger: Sorry the cliffhanger was not all Dun Dun Dunn but hey you still don't know what Dayquan is going to do now but you may have an idea or maybe not ;D.

A/N: Hey you guys its been A good minuet since I've uploaded I apologize for such a long wait for those who were really getting interested in this story.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I need support and feed back you guys I'm not sure if anyone is really liking what I'm writing not saying to leave nasty rude comments if your not feeling my story but to at least tell me what you think Please. Also votes can count as support and feedback. Also I reply to messages.

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