The Visit |Chat x reader fluff

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Your POV
It's almost midnight and you can't sleep so you decided to go to your balcony. As you stare in the night you felt something land beside you. You turn to see who it was and I your surprise it was the one and only Chat Noir.
" Hello purrincess. What are you doing at this hour." He said in a low almost seductive voice getting closer and closer to your face. A little blush appear on your cheeks as you said " I..I cou..couldn't um s..sleep. " you stuttered. " I think I can help with that but you need to trust me" he said whispering it in my ear. " you.

You felt yourself being lifted up. You looked at Chat with widened eyes. All he did was gave you a devilish smirk. " Never tru- before I could finish your thought Chat jumped off the roof. You closed your eyes and tightened your grip on Chat's suit. All of a sudden felt Chat stop. " You can open your eyes Princesse"  Chat said in a soft voice. You opened one eye then the other. Chat slowly put you down. You were mesmerized by what you saw, the Eiffel Tower looked so magnificent in the night. The lights shined bright than you future. You turned around and gave Chat a big smile.

Chat's POV

She looks so beautiful at night and her smile is intoxicatingly. It makes me want more. Every thing about her makes me want more. "This is so confusing. Do I like ladybug or Y/N? " Ladybug is brave and caring but Y/n is just perfect. Both make me happy but Y/n makes me ecstatic. And ladybug probably doesn't like me. I think I know who to choose.

3rd person
Little did Chat know Ladybug heard everything. She saw the look in his eyes when he talked to you. She noticed how he stopped calling her M'lady or princess and started calling you that. He stopped doing patrol with her to spend time with you. He stopped visiting Marinette  and started visiting you. Jealousy and envy consumed her. She longed to have the relationship you had with Chat.  She would do anything to have what you have. She wanted to hurt you. She wanted to kill you. CHAT BELONGS TO ME!

Ladybug went all Yandere on you. Watch out.  Sorry if there are any typos. Comment if you want me to do anything else. Until then I will do Chat x reader. If I do a lemon I will give you guys a warning. Or not.

Bye, Reader-Chan

~ Author sama

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