Fighting pregnant

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I just want the reader to know in this one shot you're Ladybug. Enjoy the chapter<3

You were 2 months pregnant and today had to be the craziest of all. Adrien was going crazy that you were fighting while pregnant.Are story begins a Friday morning.

(Que the flash back music)

Your's POV
You woke up from the missing warmth of my husband's arms around me. My baby bump has gotten slightly bigger I thought as I got up from the comfort of the bed.

I made my way downstairs to see Adrien cooking breakfast.( Yes you woke up in time for breakfast. P.s this never happens with me.) I sneaked up behind him and rapped my arms around his waist.

He jumped slightly then let out a chuckle and said " Good morning sweetheart " in his soft voice. " Good morning " I  said blushing because he referred to me as 'sweetheart' burying my head into his back even more.

" So what should we with the little one today" he said turning off the stove and rapping his arms around me. Putting his forehead on mine and putting his hand on my stomach I replied " We should go shopping for the little one" I suggested.

He kissed my cheek and said " That sounds great but it's time to eat breakfast". I went and sat at the table patiently waiting for the food.

He make heart shaped pancakes with berries on the side. Adrien placed the plate in front of me and then got his. As we eat we talked about what we should do today.

Before I knew it breakfast was over. I got our plates and put them in the sink to wash later. Making my way upstairs I heard a CRASH. I Ran upstairs and saw Adrien.

He quickly ran up to me and kisses me passionately and said " I'm so glad your ok." I pulled away and said "We need to transform ". With one nod you turned into Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Hope you liked this chapter. Reader chan is pregnant comment if I should do a part 2. Also what gender the baby should be and some names. Bye Reader~Chan

Author~ sama

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