Fell in love with the bad boy part 2

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A chill ran up my spine with his smirk. Him kept getting closer and closer. I starting panicking. Before he got any closer the bell rang. I quickly ran in the other direction toward class. I got to the door out of breathe.

I wasn't late but still not as early as I usually come.I slowly opened the door and quietly went to my sat hoping the teacher wouldn't notice. I sat in my regular spot next to Adrien and waited for him to show up but he didn't.

I got lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize class was over. I didn't care that I missed the lesson because I had already learned it last week.

I kept thinking about why he didn't come until the day school was over. I was walking home when I saw Adrien getting abashed by three other guys in an alleyway.

"I hope my self-defense classes pay off" I thought as I ran to where he was and started fighting. I pumped one guy in the stomach and flipped him over on his back.

The other guy pulled out a gun and tried to shot me but I blocked him and twisted his arm back. He winced in pain as I kicked his leg and he fell to the ground. The last guy had ran away before I could get to him.

I knelt down to help Adrien who was on the ground holding his stomach in pain. " Adrien are you ok" I said reaching in my backpack on got out a first-aid kit.

"I'm fine I got shot in THE STOMACH " he said sarcastically and angry at the last part. As I took off his shirt and raped a bandage around his wound in it to stop the bleeding I said "You know you should be thanking me for saving you".

"Thank you" he mumbled. " What I can't hear you " I said putting my hand behind my ear trying to listen closer. "Thank you" he said louder so I can hear. " Your welcome" I replied in a soft voice.

I helped him up and took him to my apartment to spend the night. As I unlocked the door Adrien asked " Why do you live alone when your still a teen?".

I unlocked the door an went in and said " My parents died in a car crash and I ran away from the orphanage I was in. I got a job an saved my money to buy this place."

"Sorry for your loss" he said caressing my cheek. " It's ok" I said leaning him to my bedroom. I sat him down on the comfortable plain white sheets of my bed.

"You have a nice house" he stated as he looked around my room. " Thanks" I said taking off his shirt. I starred at his muscular body for a bit to long.

Adrien said " Like what you see" with a smirk. I turned away blushing and said " Whatever" still embarrassed. I took a cotton ball and pour alcohol on it. I rubbed it on his wound.

Adrien immediate screamed in pain and pulled my hand away. " Adrien I have to disinfect it" I said in a serious tone. He sighed a said "ok".

I placed it on his wound again. This time he just winced slightly. " Adrien you need surgery if you want the bullet out" I said looking into his eyes.

" Your in luck I'm studying to be a doctor and the bullet didn't hit any vital organs." I said. " Hey why were those guys after you" I questioned. He said "Well..

I wonder why those guys were after Adrien find out next part. Hope you like the cliffhanger Reader~Chan.


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