The next Chat

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Daughter's name = D/n
Your name = Y/n

Your POV
The sun poured in through the certain of our bedroom. I crack my eyes open to see my sleeping husband Adrien Agreste. I chuckled to myself and got up to make breakfast. As I was about to open the refrigerator, I felt strong arms rap around my waist. I turn around and see Adrien. He said " Good morning Mrs. Agreste" in a tired voice then gave me a kiss on the cheek. " Good morning Mr.Agreste " I said turning to him and wrapping my arms around his neck and pull him into a deep passionate kiss. His arms still rapped around my waist pulled me closer to him and deepening the kiss. He bit my bottom lip asking for entrance but before I could let him in ( That sounds wrong) our 15 year old daughter says "Ewww get a room" walking down the stairs and into the kitchen .We both laugh and I continue to make breakfast with D/n and Adrien's help.


After breakfast mom and dad asked me to sit with them because they had something important to tell me. I sat on the couch and mom and dad sat next to each other opposite of me. I was getting more eager  by the second to know what was so important. Am I going to military school? Are we moving? Does I have something to do we dad being Chat noir? I snapped out of my thoughts when dad said " As you know I'm Chat Noir "he said in a serious tone. I just nodded. " Since I'm getting older I'm handing over the Chat Noir miraculous to you"  he said. My eyes widened in shock I'm going to be Chat Noir the Chat Noir the superhero ahhhh I thought . I was speechless all I did was scream in joy and jump up and down.

Adrien's POV

I smiled at D/n and watched her jump up and down until she got tired. I looked over to Y/n she was starting to tear up. I rapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. She put her head on my shoulder, I rapped the my other arm around. When I let go of her sadly I take off my ring and give it to D/n. Plagg flied out of the ring in front of D/n. " Hey are you going to be the new Chat noir because Adrien is getting old" Plagg said glancing at Adrien then D/n. " She is, and I'm not getting old Plagg" I said in slightly annoyed voice. " Calm down you two " Y/n said as Plagg cuddled and kissed my cheeks. I just giggled but Adrien was glaring at Plagg and he was glaring back. Adrien gots jealous hit Plagg off my cheek and grabbed the collar of my Pjs and slammed his lips into mine. D/n cringed and looked away, Plagg just stood there shocked, Y/n was shocked at first but then melted into the kiss.

Your POV

When we pulled back for air Adrien was doing a seductive smirk. A blush spread across my face . " Ahm ahm" D/n said.
" Right, back to business" said in a serious tone. "Your always right and innocent Y/n how did you end up with that" Plagg said pointing to Adrien. Adrien just glared angrily at Plagg. " Thank you Plagg but Adrien is the love of my life" I said kissing him on the lips. He rapped his arms around my waists and made my sit on his lap. He buried his face in my neck and said " That's why I married her" he left a hickey on my neck. ( That's going to take a lot of makeup) " So will you be Chat or not " Plagg said getting annoyed. " Yes " D/n. "Let the training began" Plagg said.

                                    Your Daughter becomes the best Chat yet. But who will be her lady

Hope you like it Reader~Chan. Sorry for any typos.

~ Author sama

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