The Beach Day part 2

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Your POV
I woke of to harsh shocking " Y/n wake up " I heard a familiar voice say. Immediately opening my eyes I saw Adrien. I swear I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks.

" Are we here?" I said still half asleep. " Yeah girl, get up and lets go! " Alya  replied excitedly pulling me away from Adrien and out of the car. " Slow down Alya " I whined as we entered to huge house on the beach.

I starred spellbound by the beautiful interior of the grand house. " So, do you guys like it ?" Adrien said walking up to me and Alya . I turned around to see that everybody was standing behind me.

I turned to Adrien and said " It's beautiful" I replied. He smiled, which made me blush. " Come, I will show you guys your rooms"  Adrien said leading us to are rooms.

Le Time Skip
( After we saw are rooms)

"Let's have a sleepover in Adrien's room " Alya suggested. " I'm fine with it " Adrien said. " I think it'll be fun " is said with a closed eye smile. " I'm done" said Nino. " O.. o..k " marinette said stuttering.

We all went to our rooms to change. I wore an over size black sweatshirt with the Chat Noir paw print on it in green.
(P.s. with out " Plagg transform me " on it)

 with out " Plagg transform me " on it)

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Adrien's POV

I watched as Y/n came in my room with a Chat noir sweatshirt that came not even close to her knee cap. I turned redder than Nathaniel's hair. I was wearing a ladybug onesie.

" Hi Y/n " I said trying to be cool. " Oh hey Adrien " she said sweetly. " Sooo do you want to play video games? " I asked. "Yeah sure" she said sitting next to me on the couch and grabbing the game controller.

You lose the game had written on the screen. Y/n squealed in excitement and happiness that she won. I lost I thought as I felt something around me. I looked over to Y/n to see that she was hugging me.

I hugged back. We stayed like that from awhile until Alya came in and said " Am I interrupting something ? " she questioned razing an eyebrow.

"No not at all " Y/n said stopping the hug and looking away blushing. " Surrreee" Alya said sitting next to me on the couch.

Alya was wearing shorts will the wifi signal on it. Soon Marinette wearing a blue nightgown came then Nino came wearing a bubbler onesie.

3rd Person POV

You guys played video games then watch anime until all of you fell asleep. You were cuddling with Adrien. He arm wrapped around your waist and your head on his chest.

Alya woke up early and took a picture.

Hope you liked this chapter

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