A not so Cinderella Story part 1

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Once there was a beautiful girl who lived with her stepsisters and stepmother...what you now this story already. Wait waait..there's a twist.

This girl was not what you think. She is not the girly girl we all know. She was a servant to be exact. Her prince well we'll have to find out...

It all starts in a the kingdom of Clarence with a pregnant queen and a king. The Queen fell ill 8 months into the pregnancy. She was not expected to live nor the baby either.

Doctors had to preform and emergency c-section. The baby survived because her mom was secretly a fairy. She gave the baby her powers so the baby would live.

The king named her Y/n wisteria she was half fairy half human. She had the most beautiful e/c eyes. As she grew up the king taught her to use her magic as well as hide it.

The king soon married another. The new queen was hated by many and had two daughters. The new queen was none other than Lila. Lila got very jealous of y/n so she kept her hidden.

The king thought she was doing something good so he didn't mine. Later the king died. Lila took over and made are young princess a severant. She also change Y/n's last name to cinder.

Her daughter's Chloe and Lila jr. where treated like princesses. They got the best rooms well Y/n had to sleep in the servant quarters.

We start on her 16th birthday...

Waking up I got dressed and made my way to the garden until my best friends Marinette and Alya came running to me out of breathe.

Alya said " There is going to be a ball tonight and you have to go" . "No you guys know I don't like balls." ( balls haha I'm such a pervert)

" Prince Adrien is going to those a queen at the ball " Marinette said trying to convenience me to go. " Lila would never let me go" I said in a serious  tone.

" She doesn't have to know" they said in unison. I giggled and agreed. I really didn't know a lot of this Adrien guy but I guest I'll find out more tonight.

Two chapters in one day wow... Hope you enjoy this chapter. Are you excited for the ball tonight.


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