Jealous Chat

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Y/n = Your name

E/c= Eye color

H/c = hair color

F/c = favorite color

You had been  dating Chat for a month now he was your BBF. ( Best Boyfriend Forever) But you started hanging out with Nathaniel more offend you guys had a lot in common. The more you guy hung out the more he got jealous. You and Nathaniel were going to have a sleepover. Of course Chat hated the idea but you made him agree. You heard the doorbell ring it was Nathaniel. " Hey nat. Are you ready for this over? " I said excitedly hugging him. " So ready as I'll ever be" I said coming inside. We went up to my room and play video games and I watched him draw. I also posed for drawings he drew of me. It was time for bed unfortunately your air conditioner broke so it was super hot. You changed into a  F/c tank top and shorty short white pajama shorts. Nathaniel just had on his boxers on. " Nat put on a shirt and some pants " you yelled looking away. " If I do I will die of heat. Y/n I'm tired let's sleeppp" he wined lightly jump up and down on the floor. I giggle as we flopped down on the bed. Nathaniel cuddled with me. Chat just finished patrol and decided to stop by your house.

Chat's POV

He opened your and was shocked at what he saw. Your head was on Nathaniel's chest. His arms around your waist. And legs intertwined together. His blood boiled and he tore you away for Nathaniel's grip. Waking up Nathaniel I  jumped out of the window and to my house. Y/n fell back asleep in my arms. When we got there I put her in my bed and snuggled with her until the morning.

Hope you like the story Reader~Chan. I want to thank you guys for all the support you guys have given me. This is my first story and I never thought I would do this good . 😘😘

~Author sama

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