Our honeymoon Part 2

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Y/n = Your name

E/c = eye color

H/c = hair color

My E/c eyes widened it fear and in shocked. Should I tell him. Should I keep it a sercret? I was so into my thought I didn't realize that tears started to run down my face. I tried to wipe the tears away but they kept coming. My cries turned into sobs. I slid down the bathroom down until I reached the bottom. I bought my knees close to my face and buried my face in my knees rapped my arms around my knees still crying. Then I heard a knock on the door It was Adrien. He said " Are you okay Y/n " in a worried voice I quickly cleaned myself up. I put my H/c hair  into a messy bun. I opened to door and saw Adrien facing me with and concerned look on his face. I kissed his cheek and said in a soft and sweet tone " I'm fine Adrien. I'm just tired". " I'm glad your ok. I really love you Y/n" he said grabbing  your hand and leaning you to the bed. " Y/n can...you...cuddle with.....me? He stuttered blushing. " Of course Adrien " you as his face lit up as he lightly pushed you onto the bed. You two cuddled and watch Netflix and ate popcorn.Until  you felt like you were  going to vomit. You jumped up shocking Adrien and raced to the bathroom. I glanced behind me and saw Adrien standing in the doorway with a shocked expression a single tear ran down his cheek. When I was down I just a sat on the ground in pain. Adrien rushed toward me a kneeled down and said " Y/n..what's....happening ...are...you..ok? He said in between sobs. " Adrien....I'm..pregnant".

Done done dooonnnee. Cliffhanger Hope you guys like this part. Bye Reader~Chan

~ Author~sama


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