A Vampires love

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As you walked down the dark streets to get to your apartment a dark shadow flashed pass you and into the alley that was in front of you.

Instead of following it you decide to run. Starting to run as fast as you can fear consumed you that you didn't notice that you ran into the street.

You came back to your senses back I was to late. A car came speeding toward. You stud there like a deer in headlights. Wanting to die you shut your eyes and braced yourself for the pain.

Suddenly it felt like you had been lifted up. "Is this what death feels like?" I thought as I was whisked through the air.

Cracking one eye open you saw and handsome blonde boy with crimson eyes. His fangs gleamed in the moonlight.

Blood trickled down the corners of his mouth. His crimson eyes gazed down on you. Immediately shutting your eyes you were placed gently on the ground.

Opening your eyes he was gone. You looked around confused. All you saw was a bat fly pass the alleyway he had put you in.

Curiosity filled you as you haven't seen anyone like him before, he was different than any boy you have every seen. You wanted to know more you need to more.

You got up and ran back to your cozy apartment. You turned to key and heard the click letting you it was unlocked. Changing into you pajamas you went to your desk you had against the wall in front of you bed. 

As you took a seat you open to laptop you had laying on the desk. Clicking search you typed in 'vampires'. You click on the website it provided and started reading.

Adrien's POV

I follow that girl home and saw her sleeping with her head on the computer keyboard. I flew into her room as a bat than transformed into a person.

I quietly walked over to her and carried her to her bed. Above her bed was her her name in fairy lights. " Y/n what a beautiful name" I thought to myself as i laid her down on the bed.

Walking over to her computer I saw to she was reading a vampire article " I guess she knows, what a smart girl " I mumbled under my breathe.

I walked over to her a kissed her forehead. I turned into a bat and flew out her window.

I'm not dead just making that clear. It's Friday Friday. I hoped you like this chapter Reader~Chan

~ Author~Sama

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