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You were bored out of you mind so you decided to go to the park. Hoping to see a familiar black cat. Once you there you were shocked at what you saw. Ladybug was on the floor , Chat was struggled over her with black lipstick on (What an odd choice. Sorry back to the story. ) both kissing. Tears spilled out of your eyes like a waterfall. You finally got the courage to speak, you screamed " HOW COULD YOU" in a hurt kind of scary voice. Running Chat looked at you runing away in a shock and hurt expression.

You got home and called Nathaniel. You told him what happen and him said he would come over. The door bell rang you thought it was Nathaniel but it was Chat. " What do you want " you said in a cold voice. " Y/n I wanted to apologize, I was actumatized" Chat said in an apologetic tone. " Surrrre" I said in an mean tone before trying to close the door but Chat stopped me by colliding his lips with mine. I reluctantly kissed back he nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance I denied and came back to my senses, pulling away from the kiss. " Chat if you want me back you have to earn it" I said placing my hands on my hips. " How do I do that " he asked desperately. "You decide that " I said in a seductive voice and winked closing the door. He basically melted in his place.

Hope you liked this chapter reader~chan. I may make a part 2 to this. I just watched the live action Beauty And The Beast on the same day it came out and OMG it was the BOMB. I cried I was that good and I'm not easy to make cry . I definitely recommend it.

Author ~ sama

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