How to get away with Murder

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From the first day of school when our eyes met I knew he was the one. And nobody would stop me from being with him. All other girls don't matter because he is mine all mine....( music gets more intense).

He has no say in this because he all ready likes me. At least that is what the voices say........

Adrien's POV
As I was talking to Marinette and Alya I saw a girl with e/c eyes and h/l length h/c hair in the corner of my eye. She looked angry. I turned away for a second to face Marinette but when I tried back she was gone.

Maybe it was my imagination I thought as Marinette my childhood friend yelled at me for being late. We said are goodbyes and I headed to class.


In class the voices helped me plan the murder of Marinette Dupin-Chang. (I apologize if it is spelled incorrectly )
I wrote a note saying to meet me on the school rooftop after class.

Then I will push her off the roof taking off her shoes and leaving a note. Making it look like a suicide. Your impressed  right I said to the voices. Yes we are I voices replied.

As the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and headed for the roof. I was now or never. Adrien needs that girl to stay away from him. So I'm just doing him a favor.

When I got to the roof I had my knife in the strap of my knee high black socks. Just to be safe I locked the door with the spare key I stole from the janitor's closet.

Marinette was standing at the railing of the roof as I crept toward her.....

Marinette's POV

I looked out over the school roof wondering why she asked me up here. I snapped out of my thought as I was violently pushed.

I started to panic. I tried to kick and punch whoever was doing this. This person had more strength than me and pushed me off.

As I fell I saw the person who did this Y/n L/n. Before I could think anymore a horrible pain shit up to my head as my skull began to break.

At the same time my legs and arms went limb as blood made a pool around me I took my last breath. As darkness surrounded me.

I watched in satisfaction as she slowly bleed out. Then Adrien came running to her dead corpse and held her. Jealousy ran through me as he

He was Did I make him c...ry.  It's ok.He is happy. He loves you. A voice told me. I shook off all the sadness and ran away from the crime scene.

The police questioned me but I know how to get out of that. I walked home innocent.

This is how you get away with murder.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. *crying in the corner* Marinette!!!!!   *sob*   *sob*   *sob*. Reader~chan you monster!!   *sob*   *sob*   *sob*.

Author ~ Chan

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