The Beach Day

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This summer you,Adrien,Nino,Alya,and Marinette were all going to Adrien's beach house. The first day of summer you woke up early to pack you thing and hopefully not being late. You are so nervous because you have a crush on him ever since high school started.You both were models and this was more like a modeling trip to Adrien and I instead of a beach get away.

As you laid sprawled out on the until something woke you from you ever so precious slumber with a beep beep beep beep. You got up lazily and looked at your alarm clock it said 3:00. You quickly sprung up and out of you bed.
You are suppose to met at the beach at Adrien and the others at 5.And the beach is a 1 hour drive away from your house.

"Oh snap I'm going to be late" I yelled hopefully not waking my parents. I put on what it is in the picture above ^.
I grabbed my bag and threw in a red floral bikini with high waisted bottom and a matching dress to cover it. Slipping on my wedge sandals. I also put in the following sun screen, f/c towel, flip flops,a good book, snacks, sunglasses, and most important my phone.

I run down the stairs almost as fast as Natsu when he sees Lucy. I got in the limo that was outside waiting to drop me off with Adrien. I run in and bucked up ready for the long drive. The car came to a halt as I woke up from my mini nap. "Miss were here" I driver said in a soft but still masculine voice. " Okay thanks" I said still half asleep. I gathered my stuff and open the limo door. The smell of the ocean filled my nostrils. The sound of seagulls filled my ears. I sighed and thought I love the beach.

I saw the group playing in the ocean and was surprised that my childhood friend Nathaniel was there. ( I wonder if Adrien will get jealous hmmmm) I was so excited to see him I ran pass my group of friends and gave him a hug. Earning a slightly jealous face from Adrien. "Hey I didn't expect to see you here" he said hugging me back. " Yeah hoe have you been?" I asked breaking away from the hug. " Fine I'm still drawing as usual " he said in a sweet tone. I giggled which made Adrien and Nathaniel blush at my cuteness. " Classic Nathaniel " i replied with a closed eye smiled which also made Adrien and Nathaniel swoon.

I turned around to my friend and said " I'm going to change" I said running into the changing room. After I changed I worked up the courage to talk to Adrien. Before I went out of the room I took and deep breathe and walked up to him. " H..Hey Adrien" i said slightly stuttering.  He jumped in shock " Oh hey Y/n. Hey how do you know Nathaniel? " he asked as I kept staring at his perfect face and blonde hair that is to die for. ( LITERALLY * que evil laugh*)
" Nathaniel is my childhood best friend,he had a crush on me for as long as I can remember" i rubbed my neck and laugh awkwardly. But inside I was jumping for joy I didn't stutter. He smiled and said" Does he still have a crush on you?" he asked full of curiosity. " I don't think so?" I said not knowing the exact answer. He sensed that I was uncomfortable and changed the subject. " We have a photo shoot tomorrow together" he said wondering what I would say next. "  Cool " I said attempting to be chill be i was freaking out inside. We talked until it was time to go to the beach house. We all got into Adrien's limo and drove to the house. Half way there I fell asleep on Adrien's shoulder which made him blush.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School has been CRAZY. I had a lot of homework an d have to do a Women's History Project out of a pizza box which was due today. Now I will tell you about what happened today at school in P.E. So in p.e I play football I made 2 interceptions and 3 touchdowns.
Hope you like my new book of all my drawings my art suck but I wanted to share it with you guys.

~ Author~sama


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