The Possesive Alpha and The Badass Mate

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"Mine" he growled at the same time as my wolf shrieked 'Mate!'.

I was quickly pushed against the wall. I felt tingles shooting through me when he touched me,I nearly moaned in delight.

That was until I realised he had just pushed me into a wall.

"Don't f*cking push me" I growl out pissed. I shoved his arms off my waist. My wolf whimpered when I did that.

My Mates eyes turned black for a second before they turned back to their beautiful green colour. He took deep breaths as if he were trying to calm himself down. It wasn't working.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, I am your mate and your alpha" he said to me in his alpha voice. Not that it affected me in the slightest.

His eyes were pitch black as he put his hands on my waist and pushed me back against the wall. Wait a minute he's an alpha?! More importantly my alpha?!

Now I know why everyone made a fuss about him. He's beautiful. But I was still extremely pissed that he pushed me up against the wall. Twice. And he used his Alpha voice on me.

I looked him right in the eyes before stating calmly;

"I couldn't care less that you're my mate or even my alpha I will not be spoken to or pushed like that by anybody. I will only respect you when you learn to respect me, Alpha or not."

With that I brought up my knee, and kneed him where the sun don't shine.


Meet Carrie Smith, a 17 year old werewolf. She has been kicked out of her former school so her mom decided to move pack and school for a fresh start. She's cocky, a bit of a slut, demanding and quite rude but what happens when she meets her mate who also happens to be her Alpha?

Meet Blake Todd, an 18 year old alpha of the Blue Moon pack. He's known for his player ways. He's cocky, and used to getting any girl he wants because of his looks and rank.He's also used to being respected by everyone but what happens when he meet his sarcastic,rude badass mate Carrie?

Read to find out!

Authors note ***

Hey guysss, so I've decided to make a new story! I know it doesn't sound too good so far but trust me it'll get better! First chapter will be posted later on today x

*This book contains lot of spelling/grammar mistakes. I will eventually go through the book when it's completed and fix them*

Love y'all





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