WeLcOmE SuRpRiSeS pArT 1

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Yoy guys should really read my new story 'Rebels'! Tell me what you think about it

Chapter 17

Tara's POV

"So you are the Tara Swann?" I gave Blake a dubious look. I did not just spend about an hour talking about who I really was, why I was here for him to think I'm lying. So done with these games he keeps playing I calmly walk over to him, grab his arm, and yank him up and twist his arm around him. I don't let him go until I hear him scream for mercy. Punk. But in his defense I guess I was taking out all of the anger on him. I drop him and walk back to the loveseat and sit down. 

'Believe me now?", he only grunted in response, while rubbing him arm. I didn't even hurt him that bad. "Okay, I told you my story, now I need yours." The boys exchanged looks between themselves and then towards Bryce all at once. It was late and I probably wasn't going to be able to sleep until James gets here so whatever games they are trying to play, aren't going to work this time. I sighed and rubbed my temples, I guess they were going to take the hard way out of this. 

"You have two choices. 1. Start talking or 2. End up knocked out and handcufed to a pole, with sharpie on your face. Just like your friend." Okay, I do admit, during my 'lecture' I got bored and went to the kitchen, retrieved a sharphie, and I may or may not have written all over Bryce's face. I regret nothing. 

But that's not the point right now. The point was to fill in the drawing. You know, because in a coloring book, they have the outline and all you have to do was fill it in. Well, that was what I had to do now, fill it in. I needed to know why, and I'm sure Blair did too. Even though she kinda of watched Bryce attempt to kill me, but I'm gonna let that one slide since she is till kind of in shock. But next time, she better turn in to some kind of badass ninja and help a sister out. I mean really how could she just do that! Talk about selfish not selfless. But like I said, I'm not holding it against her. 

Spencer stood up. He looked a little nervous, but I could see he was trying his best not to show it. "Well, you see it's kind of a long story." Oh great. I stood up and went to the kitchen. I pulled out a pretty big bowl and a box of popcorn. There were five bags and I was planning on popping them all. 

When I was putting in my third bag of popcorn in, I sensed someone come into the kitchen. I didn't have to guess who it was because I could smell him and it was the scent that had been contaminating my mind for a while now. 

"Are you really making popcorn at a time like this?"

"Yeah, did you want some?" Blake groaned stepped closer. My body tensed up a little, but I hoped that he didn't notice because he can't know how uncomfortable he makes me. 

"Ka-Tara. Look at me." He was about to call me 'Kat'. And technically, she didn't exist. I didn't look at him because I knew I was going soft, and my emotion was beginning to show. He did not need to know that I possibly cared about him and that I was just as hurt. 

"Tara. Please." I could tell he was begging. I'm pretty sure his next move would be to get on his knees. But I turned around. Only because I heard something in his voice that I didn't even know he had the capability to feel. Vulnerability. And as I turned around he didn't even bother trying to hide his feeling. Looking into his eyes I saw so many emotions it was crazy. I was still hiding my emotions pretty impressively because Blake was staring at me with such intensity that my knees were going weak. 

 When he didn't say anything I turned around, took out my bag of popcorn and put in the fourth one. It was silent for a long time. I didn't realize I was holding in my breath until I let out a big sigh when I was taking out my last popcorn. I would have usually loved being in a small space with Blake, but the silence was too awkward and unbearable. I emptied the fifth pocorn bag into my bowl and dropped both of my hands at my side. Leaving would mean that when I turn around I would most likely be greeted by Blake and his awkwardness, and I didn't want that. 

Thinking of the most efficient was out, Blake reached out and grabbed my right hand. He took another step closer to the point where I could feel Blake Jr. I can honestly say that my heart sped up 100x faster and I may have a heart attack and die. But I couldn't breathe when Blake leaned down to my ear. I could feel his hot breath fanning my ear. 

"Why?" I pulled my hand out of his and grabbed my bowl of popcorn. I pushed my way from him and began to exit the kitchen. But before I left, I decided that I needed something to add to how dramatic all of this seemed. I turned towards him, and without meeting his intense stare, said, "I could say the same for you", and left.

Point 1 - Tara

Point 0 - Blake

I came back and sat down on the loveseat, Blake not far behind me. I motioned for Spencer to continue as I ate a handful of popcorn. 

"Okay, well I think there is something you should know before I start." I raised an eyebrow and popped another piece of popcorn in my mouth. 

"Bryce is your cousin."

Well shit.

Chapter waaaaay overdue. Oopsie. I feel like the last few chapters have been a bit boring. Trust me it will get better. And I decided to go through with anotehr book. YaAaAaAaAaAaAy¡¡¡¡¡ I think it's gonna be called Cat and Mouse Chase. A friend came up with it and it's all i got. but if you guys have any idea.......by all means.

P.S(check out my other story rebels...)

P.P.S have you guys heard Trying To Find You by Josh Levi ughhhhh I love it so much <3 


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