WeLcOmE SuRpRiSeS pArT 2

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Previously on undercover lesbian stripper....
"Bryce is your cousin."

Well shit.

Chapter 17.5

Tara's POV

I can honestly say that for once in my entire life. I'm speechless.

Utterly and completely


If they were planning a surprise attack and wanted to kill me, now would be their golden moment. I was so fat gone from reality. I was just rethinking this entire mission and where I could have possibly gone wrong. And how my agency hadn't figured out that Bryce was my cousin. My uncle had a child. Damien had a child. Like wow.

I only caught bits and pieces of what they were telling me now. I did however catch that Damien had taken them in from an orphanage when they were younger. It was around the same summer that Damien went M.I.A and the agency took me in. I was still trying to comprehend this. But what I didn't understand was why Damien would go through all of this just to find my parents. They were in hiding for a reason. A big one at that. Bit why was it so important to did them? What does everyone know? Why am I out of the loop? Why is my past just coming up around the corner? The worst part about the lifestyle I led had to be all of the questions. Because I'm not going to deny it, I'm a pretty impatient person and I hate not knowing things. But it shouldn't be this damn hard! The stress I'm getting from this is giving me wrinkles and ruining my perfect complexion. And on top of that what is going on with Blake? Why won he open up to me? Why can't I just open up to him? Why does this, us, have to be so complicated? I just wish the questions would stop.

"Tara. Tara. Tara!?"

I snapped my eyes to Blair,who was squatting right in front of me.

"Ummm. What?"

"Have you been listening to anything the boys have been talking about?"

I gave her a sheepish smile and I was about to answer when my my phone rang. I silently cursed the big man upstairs because I would need to walk past Blake to get to my phone that was in the kitchen. But I did it. And I am proud to report to you that I am still sane.

Grabbing my phone I took a deep breath to calm my erratic heartbeat.

"Tara, are you good?"

I let out a breath of relief.

"James, thank god. Where the hell are you?"

He chuckled, "Closer than you think babe. Just make sure that they are ready to repeat their story when I get there. We may have a slightly bigger problem than expected."

I was going to question him, but was greeted with that annoying buzz that tells you that the other line has been disconnected.

Walking out of the kitchen I was greeted by confused stares that matched my own.

"Who was that?"

"No one."

I knew Blair didn't believe me. Because I wasn't trying to convince anyone. But she didn't push it any further. I walked back to my couch and say down. Just waiting for James. And maybe even Selena.

"Funny how all of this turned out, huh?"

I looked over at Blair, "Yeah, hilarious."

Deciding that I needed to get something done I walked over to Bryce and studied his unconscious body. He looked semi-innocent. And we can't have that. So I pulled my hand back and connected it with the side of his gave with full force. Bryce jolted up immediately his eyes darting around until they landed on me and narrowed. I could only smile sweetly and shrug.
Bryce attempted to tug his hand free from the cuffs but was unable to. He tried to yell something to me, but because of the dirty sock in his mouth he couldn't.

"Sorry, what was that, cousin?" I spat as if the word cousin was foreign to my mouth and would be deadly is spoken the wrong way. His eyes slightly widened but went back to being narrow. He tried to swing at me with his free hand but I swiftly dodged it. I studied him, while walking around him. I was aware that everyone was watching my every more cautiously, but I didn't care. I ripped the sock out of his mouth and smirked when Bryce started to spit it out. The wonderful effects of dirty socks.

"What the heck!?"

"What? don't look at me like that. It's your sock."

Bryce looked down to see that he indeed have a sickness foot. E looked back up at me and scowled. I shrugged and checked my phone.

It was now 10:47 and I talked to James about 25 minutes ago. It shouldn't take him this long. I was starting to get a bit worried but knew that he could handle himself. But precisely 6 minutes later. I started pacing around the living room. It was almost 11 and there still has been no sign of him. Not even a phone call or text. I started making thing about how he 'Better hurry up' and how is he 'doesn't get here soon. His biggest problem will be me'.

"Tara, are you okay."

I didn't really acknowledge who said that but mumbled something around, 'yep just dandy'. I was still pacing the floor when a soft hand grabbed my arm.

"Tara, calm down."

I looked over at Blake then at his hand that was around my arm. Then back at him. He was making me some kind of love sick girl. Or rather a like sick girl. I was gonna respond until I heard a voice that I didn't expect to hear for a long run.

"Yeah Tara, wouldn't want the entire agency to know that it actually is possible for you to get nervous on a mission."

I turned around. Slowly for effect an scowled at a smirking Ben. Who was standing at the top of the landing of the second floor.

"Careful Ben, wouldn't want your next phone call to your mom to be about a black eye."

Ben visibly stiffened, and I smirked as my self confidence returned.

Ben was about to respond when another voice sounded.

"Knock it off you two. I swear it's every time you do this."

"And we have James. As charming as ever."

"Don't tell me you forgot about me."

I turned to Selena. An have her a warm smile, "I could never forget the lady who made me spend the night with a crazy sex-craved lesbian."

Selena winked at me and all three of them started walking down stairs.

I realized that there were other people in the room.

"Everybody this is Selena and James."

Everyone nodded and said quiet hey's, but I guess they were still a bit confused with what was going on.

"Should we introduce ourselves?"

"Nope. We know who you are, Blair."

"Wait, you skipped over me during the introductions."

"That, my dear Ben, is because you don't matter."

Selena and James walked over and sat down on my couch, while Ben stayed leaning against the stairs. James nodded towards me and motioned for me to carry on with my mission.

I turned to Blake, Spencer, Remmington, and a now conscious Bryce.

"Who's up for story time?"

This update came quicker than you though didn't it. Haha I actually didn't think I would update so soon but life is full of May surprises. Huh ;)

Thanks losers


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