LeT tHe PaRtY sTaRt

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Chapyter 12

Tara/Kat's POV

It's only been a couple of hours and i want to kill myslef. I begged fer pole duty, just so I wouldn't risk being assigned to thos freaking boys. I ma going to need backup, because I will not last alone. They all keep hitting in me, well except for Spencer. He's too busy admiring Blair in her 'costume' to notice that his colleagues, his best friends, are severely eye raping me. And their half way across the room!!! Ugh. Why can't I just skip to the tortue portion of this mission and get this over with. "Kitty! Blair needs help over in the VIP room!" Curse Lex and her horrible timing. If only she waited about 15 more minutes, then I could just tell her that I was on break. I walked over to Blair muttering unperfessional words under my breath. When Blair saw me she waved me over. "C'mon slow poke. Walk any slower and it'll be our brek time" I perked up at the mention of our break. "Well, you see Blair that's the point." I wonder if it's too late to back out of this mission. I stood at the table with a sour face. I could pull out my phone and play games on it, since we were behind a red curtain. And going with my conscious, I realise that's the best option in my favor. I pulled my phone of of the bra, unlocked it, and pushed the boys over so I could sit. "Well, we are kind of waiting for you to do your job,-" I put up my hand and silenced whoever was talking. "I would but one, I'm playing clumsy ninja and two, it's time for my break." I gladly got up from my seat and dragged Blair out of the room as a couple of our other fellow strippers filled our spots. I knew I was going to have to actually befriend them, but all in good time. Blair and I ate and then went to the tv room to watch a movie. Since we had a lot of girls here today, we had an hour break. The gods were rewarding me for being my awesome self and not attempting to murder one of these boys, yet. "Hey, Kat, I invited the guys over fofr sinner and gaems tonight, stuff like that." She what now?!?! I was seriously a milisecond away from merduring them adn just finishing this mission. But I had to figure out why first, then I could kill them. Or not. But that's tomorrows problem. I knew Blair was waiting for me to respond, or do something that indicated I was okay with the decision she had made without sonsulting me first but I really had to think this over. Those boys, except for Spencer, were just full on hitting on me. It was quite disturbing because their comments weren't something I was used to. They didn't say things like the woman that came here did. The thing was that they said things period. The women just moaned or something or tipped me and did that creepy stockerish smile. Those guys acted like they were at a regular strip club and not a lesbian one. Which I could tell that the strippers here already tired of them. But, when Blair was around Spenecr there was a spark in her eyes. And as much as it sickens me to say this, they were definately in love. So, it may be because of my mission or the fact that Blair and Spencer were in love, but I caved in. "Yea. That sounds pretty cool." My thinking session must have taken much longer than I thought because Lex came in and told us that are break was over and that we had to be waitresses. Personally being a waitress was my favorite, mainly because I can sneak some of the ladies snacks and drinks, and instead of them getting offended or mad, they think it's kind of sexy and attractive. I was only in it for the food, trust me. But when I was handed an extra-large pizza and large fries and told to head to the VIP booth, I was greatly annoyed. These boys were tap dancing on my nerves. I snuck up behind their booth, prepared to scare them, but i heard hushed voices. I snuck up closer behind their booth so I could hear the conversation better. 

"John, you can't delay this meeting. If you want the codes you have to agree to the appointed rendez-vous." There was a hushed voice on the other line. I tried to make out what this, Jon, was saying but the phone wasn't on speaker. I was pretty sure that Blake was the one talking. "Listen, Jonathan, we have a set date. And if you can't meet it, then that sucks for you big time. Goodbye." I should just listen to their conversation a little more. "Blake, what did he say?" I guess that was Remmington because I just loved his accent. I couldn't quite identify it, so I'll have to ask about it later. But, that would have to wait becuse I was cramping in my current position. I crawled back about five feet, got up, and straightened my outfit out. Walking over I realized that their food was cold, so I had to think of a semi-resonable lie. "Heyyyy Losers, I got your food." I sat their food down and watched to see if they noticed that it was cold. "Our food is cold...." Remmington, oh Remmington, what kind of accent is that. Bryce poked at the pizza and made a not so conspicuous twisted face at it. "I'm sorry, did you not want your order, cold?" All four boys looked at me like I was a bit crazy. "Tell me, Kat, do you like your fries and pizza cold?" I looked Blake staright in the eye and smiled a pleasant smile, or what I hoped looked the least bit pleasant. "Of course, it's best cold." I reached over and picked a fry. I hate cold fries but I wasn't going to let them win. I took bite out of the fry and you know how you look hwne you are eating something completely disguisting but try to swallow it down although it's trying to come back up. Yeah, that's how I look right now. And the boys could tell I was struggling because they all wore similar stupid smirks that i wanted to punch off of them all. When I finally swallowed the fry, I reached over for the nearest drink. Which, unfortunately was water. "What the heck, who get pizza, fries, adn water?! Weirdo." I heard someone call out in their defense, but I was too bust reaching for the next closest drink. 'Tomato juice?! What is wrong with you people?" I heard a 'well then' but once agin I was too busy reaching fro the next drink. And thank god is was only Sprite, I was bracing for something like the blood of the devil or something weird, like water. Seriously these people are interesting. I basically drank like, half of the cup before Blake reached over and snatched it out of my hand. "Isn't for time almost up for being here?" I looked at my watch and practically started jumping for joy. "Actually, I'm done for the day. Later Losers!" I turned on my heel, leaving them with their cold food, and rushed to change. I dragged Blair out to my motercycle and once again her cries filled the air. "C'mon Blair, who else is gonna take you home! Stop being a big baby!" Just my luck, Blake and his crew come out and walk over to my baby. But by the time they reached up I yelling at Blair. "Blair, if you don't get on this right now, I'm going to leave you and you'll have to walk!" Blair ran over to Spencer, "Can I ride with you guys? There is no way on hell, that I'm getting back on that thing." I gasped and hugged my baby. "Don't listen to the mean lady. She didn't mean it." "IT DOESN'T HAVE FEELING!" "LALALALALA WE CAN'T HEAR YOU!" We started yelling back and forth, until Spencer had to intervene in our playful banter. "Okay, Babe, you can come with us, we were going to your house anyway." The rest of the boys all filed into Spencer's car and pulled up next to me. I already had my bag put away, and I was about to put on my helmet, when, Blair rolled down the window. "Race you home?" "Tell me how my ass looks from behind. K?" And with that I secured my helmet on and sped off. On the way, I remembered the conversation I overheard. My mission has officially begin. 

Let the party start.



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