Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

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(Jeffs POV)
"FOOD! Man I love food!"
" I wouldn't eat that if I were you" the girl warns
"Why should I believe you I don't even know you're name AND YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!"
Man this girl pisses me off
"It's y/n. Happy. And if you don't believe me about the food eat it."
I smirk because I know I pissed her off. That's the last thought I have before I eat the food and start vomiting and then I passed out.

(Y/n's POV)
"I warned you"
Helens also on the floor within seconds of eating the food. I forgot about him. Whoops.
I'm hungry but if I eat the food I'll pass out and they'll hurt me... again. I don't want that to happen. I'm gonna make sure the guards don't take them to beat them. Right after that thought the guards walk in and pull out their batons(don't care if that's wrong TBH).
They are about to start hitting them when I jump down and take the blows. Damn this really hurts. After about another hour of my being strangled, hit, and yelled at they leave and they guys wake up with a start.
"Y/n what happened? Why are you all bloody and bruised?"asked Jeff
"I warned you. They were going to beat you but I took the hits."
I black out

(Helens POV)
She blacks out after explaining what happened. I feel sorry for not listening to her. Jeff catches her right when she's about to hit the ground. She's naked again.
"Oh. My. God." Jeff says
"What's wrong?"
Jeff just looks at the girl. When I look at her all I see is blood, bruises and scars. She's obviously been abused. Jeff takes off his hoodie and puts it on her naked body then he skims his hands across her neck where a bruise is starting to form. He picks her up and puts her on the top bunk
"Why do you care about her Jeff?"
"I owe her my life. So do you." He sounds distant
"What do you mean?"
"She saved me a couple times before I lost my sanity did you see the burn marks on her arm?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"She got those from saving me when I was set on fire but her arms caught fire but she still helped me till someone came out with a fire extinguisher. And all the other scars either came from her bullies or her dad and mom."
"You didn't tell me you knew her"
He climbs down the ladder and sits on the bottom bunk with me and I see a bit of sanity in him it actually kind of scared me.
"I didn't know until now."
Then there's a scream and we jump up to see what's wrong and we see she's covered in sweat and tears and thrashing around screaming. Another nightmare.
"What's wrong with her?"
"Nightmare. We should try to sleep once I can get her to calm down." I calm her down and Jeff's already asleep I sigh and fall asleep.

~To be continued~
Sorry this chapter is short and not very cool but I try.

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