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(Toby's POV)
When I saw y/n on the ground bleeding and broken I felt something snap even though I barely knew her I had a feeling she was actually quite sweet. I think Helen and Jeff felt it to bc we all locked eyes and in those eyes hatred was obviously there.
"WHAT.THE.FUCK.HAPPENED." Jeff screamed making y/n flinch and whimper Jeff noticed and quickly apologized. He tried approaching her but she wouldn't let him get close and she also wouldn't let Helen get close she scooted back and her back hit the bed and she yelped in pain and surprise. She the turned and saw me and I didn't expect her to jump up and hug me but she did and she started whimpering like a dog it was odd with the state she's in other people would be screaming or sobbing. I look at her only to see a cut on her throats and her eyelids fluttering closed and I panicked I laid her down on the bed and started applying pressure to the wound luckily the blood stopped but she had lost a lot of it. She's gonna be really weak when she wakes up. She had passed out in the process of me laying her down. I looked at Helen and Jeff only to find they had found the cause of y/n's pain. A strange man with eyes and his lips sewed together but I could still hear him talk
"Hello my name is patched art but people call me patches"(he's my oc. Sorry I don't have any pictures of him at the moment)
"WHY DID YOU HURT Y/N!?!" Yelled Helen
"Actually I didn't he did" he pointed to a guard in the corner he had his eyes, ears, mouth, and even his nose sewed shut.
"Why'd you help her?"
"To be honest I don't know."
"H-hey s-since y-you can sew s-so well d-do you think you can st-stitch y-y/n up?" I ask
"Yes I can and will. No strings attached"(Get it since he sews people. Stupid joke.)

(Y/n's POV)
My eyelids flutter open because of all the commotion. I try to sit up but I can't because I have a pounding headache and my neck feels really sore. I reach up to touch it and feel stitches then I remember that a guard came in being an asshole and tried to hurt us then he slit my throat and a man came in and helped me. I look around and see everyone asleep except for that man. Upon further inspection I notice his eyes and mouth are sewed shut but I know he can sense me. Then he does something that surprises me. He talks (queue dramatic music).

~sorry this is so short I'm lazy right now so yep. To be continued~

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