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Hello! ImportantCritic here! 

So as you all know it's been about a year since I last updated this story. The reason behind that is because I've lost inspiration to continue.

The reason I decided to write this story in the first place was due to the fact that I had read another Masky x Reader story that was poorly written. So, thanks to spite and overconfidence, I decided to write my own Masky x Reader story, confident that I could do a better job.

Now I had just jumped right into writing this story without giving it much thought. I didn't have a plot or an idea as to what was going to happen or how this would end. Not to mention that I literally had no experience in fanfiction writing at the time. Basically I had no idea what I was doing. But I liked to write so I erased that inexperienced part of me and got to work.

My plan was to start off slow yet not too slow. I didn't want to just jump right into the romance. But of course since I love comedy and action I still managed to slip in a whole bunch of fan service.

Overall, the story's a mess and I was too naive to notice.

So since I don't feel like rewriting the entire story for the fifth/sixth time I think I might just end it all together. 

But don't worry! I'll be making other Creepypasta x Reader stories! Hopefully better than this one...

Anyway that's all I really wanted to say. I hope you all understand. Thank you for baring with me through this entire ordeal. You guys mean the world to me!

Also feel free to leave a comment saying which creeypasta boy you would want me to write about. I might try to avoid Masky and Hoodie since it's pretty clear that I'm not well educated in their lore... Don't worry, though! They'll most likely make appearances in other stories!

That's all. Thank you everyone for sticking with me through all of my crap! Love you!

P.S: I'm gonna post all my rough drafts for this book so feel free to read what I was working on!

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