Chapter 6: Look Who We Have Here...

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A/N- Heads up/Trigger Warning: In this chapter their will be a "rape joke" that BEN makes. If you are uncomfortable with that then I suggest that you just skip paragraph 30. It's not that important to the story, it's just a joke that BEN makes.

I, for one, don't like those kind of jokes but I wanted to keep the way that I view BEN's personality, which is that he makes a lot of inappropriate jokes that sometimes cross the line.

"So your Masky's friend, right?"

Hoodie nodded. I smiled. "Cool! You seem shy though. Are you sure you're like, er..." I stopped for a second, looking for the right words.

Realizing I didn't know another word, I just went with it. "A killer?" Hoodie slowly nodded. I smiled a bit wider. Masky walked into the living room with - who would have guessed? - a cheesecake.


Hoodie noticed too. The 'man-who-talked-to-me-and-tried-to-kill-me' stood up and walked over to Masky. Hoodie pulled on the sleeve of his jacket, whispering "Gimme."

I found out that Hoodie had a cheesecake obsession too. But nothing like Masky. They also told me that they were proxies of this tall, pale faceless man named Slenderman. The two worked for him and do his dirty work for him sometimes. They also work with another proxy named Ticci Toby. Masky apparently doesn't like him from what I heard.

Well, that's some pretty good information to know. I'm not sure what to do with the information but still good.

"So Masky, why do you have to stay here? What kind of trouble did you get into?"

"Not now. Tell you later. I'm eating." Masky said with a mouthful of cheesecake. I rolled my eyes at him.

Such a child.

Doing something with my life seemed to be the best option here. Besides from calling the cops. I did not feel like spending time with those two. Who knows what they could do? I got up from the couch I was sitting on and walked to the front door. It was warm outside so I decided to just leave my sweater. As I exited my house, I heard a faint laughter. Being the stupid girl I was, I decided to follow the sound. As I got closer, I realized that the laughter sounded...weird. Like it was a mad man. Being curious, I still followed.

You idiot! What are you doing? Have you not seen any horror movies? This is how the pretty girl gets killed! My conscience scolded. Well, thank you! I'm glad you think I'm pretty.

That was my way to tell my conscience to fuck off.

After a while of walking, I found myself in a dead end spot in a dark alleyway. "Nothing. I should have known that this wouldn't be like a movie." So much for being curious. Before I could fully turn around and head back the way I came from, I felt two hands grab my waist and pull me close.

I didn't dare look back, nor did I dare do anything. Not yet anyway...

The person breathed down my neck. I could just feel the person grinning.

"So your the special lady my friends been talking about." By the sound of the persons raspy voice, I could tell it was a male.

Special? Friend? Who the heck is he talking about? More importantly, who is he? I thought. Before he could say anything else, I decided to just elbow him in the stomach.


The man let go, a "oof," escaping his lips. I turned my head to get a look at my captor. What I saw was pretty scary. It was a man with burnt, black hair. He was fully pale and wore a white hoodie with black dress pants and converse. What scared me the most was the lack of eyelids and his everlasting smile.

He regained himself and looked at me. If it was possible, I bet he would be frowning. He slowly pulled out a knife from his pocket. My eyes widen. Without thought, I decided to just turn around and start running as fast as I could back home. But lucky me! He was as fast as I was.

The best thought I had right now was to scream. Even though I could tell that would be a bad move on my part.

"Help! Someone, please! Help me!" I screamed. I was still running, my lungs aching for air. But I didn't mind. All I cared for was getting the heck out of here!

Right before I reached the house, the man caught up to me, covering my mouth, muting my voice. He held both of my hands by the wrist behind my back. The one thing that concerned me was that he didn't have the knife he was holding a few seconds ago. "Shut up!" The man said. I tried moving with all my might but just couldn't.

To my surprise, the man dragged me to my house and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Masky and Hoodie were looking at us. They both looked down at me. Since Masky's mask was still lifted up, I could see he was smirking and I heard Hoodie chuckle. Masky motioned for the man to come in.

Just like that, Hoodie shut the door behind us. I wasn't prepared for the man to let go, and when he did, I fell to the ground landing right on my back.

I grunted, got back up to my feet and stood in a fighting stance, looking at my captor. I probably looked ridiculous. The man's smile grew wider which I'm surprised was possible. Hoodie started to laugh hysterically - which DID bug me - while Masky face-palmed.

"What?" I mumbled. This made Hoodie laugh harder before I decided to ditch the stance. Masky turned towards me. "That man you were 'trying' to fight off is Jeff. Our friend." I looked from Masky to Jeff and I could see him holding in a laugh. Before I could comment on this, my phone that I stupidly forgot about started to ring. I grabbed it and looked at who was calling. Before I could get a good look, a hand shot out which startled me and made me drop the phone.

Then came another hand. Then a head which I recognized to be BEN. "Er, a little help?" He asked as he tried to get the rest of his body out. Jeff and Hoodie walked over to the dropped phone - that I was praying to not have a crack in it - and pulled out BEN.

When they finally pulled BEN out, he thanked them and then turned towards me. "So, you met Jeff finally. What did he do? Scare you to death? Rape you?" Masky snorted and Jeff elbowed him. I blushed madly.

"N-NO! Nothing like that! I mean, the scaring part yes but nothing else!" I started to ramble on, stuttering on some words while trying to find the right ones to use.

After a few more seconds, Masky put his hand over my mouth to shut me up. I blushed some more but was thankful he did that.

"Yeah, we get it (Y/N), Jeff didn't do anything TOO bad." I nodded as he slowly let go.

"Well anyway, let me show you around my house." Masky gestured with his head for them to follow. I just stared as the guys began to follow Masky.

Wait, did he just say his house?

A/N- Just a quicky. If you didn't know, the "I" in the story is NOT me. It is you but I say "I" instead of "You" because it sounds more like a story and it shows how its in your point of view instead of you reading yourself in your point of view. Just to clear that up. I'm also very sorry. I was a bit tired writing this story and right now, I'm trying to just introduce you to the characters before we really get into the story. I hope you understand. I am also very sorry how this is also a sucky chapter. I know that there might be few a spelling mistakes but that's because I was writing half of this on my ipod and it was when I was about to go to sleep so yeah.

Anyway I am so happy that you are still reading this story and thanks for all the support. Don't forget to try your luck in my contest! More contest will come soon also! Thanks again!

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