Chapter 2: Stranger By The Second

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I couldn't stop thinking about that strange boy after that whole scenario. After all, wouldn't other people wonder how some stranger knew their name? 

The whole conversation kept replaying in my head as I tried to compare the boy to old memories. My purpose was to figure out if I had met him sometime ago but forgot somehow.

Nope. Never seen him.

I sighed in defeat. All this thinking was getting me no where. Not to mention draining my energy. With one quick shake of my head I sat up and walked to my room, deciding to play my newly acquired game.

(Time Skip)

Before I even started the game I began to have a bad feeling about it. Not because it was old but because I've never seen a copy so...creepy. I guess you could say that I should have trusted that feeling because now I was regretting my decision to play it. So far, the game has been glitching none stop and out of no where these words would always pop up and scare the crap out of me.

"You shouldn't have done that." was what it said before I got completely frightened and quickly shut off the game. Instead I decided to watch some TV downstairs for a while. I've been playing the game for so long that I didn't even realize how late it was.

It was almost 12:00 o'clock and I was still in my clothes. However my PJs were in my room. Where the game is. 

I'm gonna guess that you can see my point.

I guess sleeping in my clothes on the couch won't be so bad, I thought to myself. Plus it's not like I'm going to sleep just yet. I mean- 

Before I could finish my thought a loud noise sounded off from upstairs. It almost sounded like it was coming from my room. Panicking slightly I grabbed something -anything- before walking upstairs to check it out. My fingertips brushed something soft that was on the couch and my idiotic brain decided to stick with that item.

What was it that I grabbed?

It was a pillow.

Like I said I stuck with the pillow, slowly making my way upstairs. I found the door closed, just how I left it after leaving. A sigh of relief automatically came out before I opened the door.

There I saw a masked man wearing a yellowish jacket. The only thing I really saw about his facial features were his caramel looking hair, which to me didn't really count as "facial." After a few seconds, the man noticed me. He froze, his white mask with black eyes and a mouth painted on it staring daggers at me. We both stared at each other for a few seconds. He seemed like he was waiting to see what I would do next. Won't he been in for a surprise...

I screamed and threw the pillow at him.

Luckily I got him in the face and he fell backwards onto my bed, a "oof" slipping from his mouth. I took this chance to make a run back downstairs to get the house phone; I wasn't taking a chance with the phone in my room.

Basically jumping the whole way down the stairs my mind began racing with some many thoughts before it stopped to just one: 

Get that phone!

By the time I was in the family room my heart was beating so fast that it began to sound like a drum pounding in my ears. My hand grabbed the house phone that was left on the couch but before I could click the last digit to call 911 the masked man grabbed me by the wrist, making me drop the phone.

He pushed me onto the couch in the awkwardest position ever. But too bad because right now, the only thing I could think of was not dying! 

"Let go of me!" I screamed, struggling to get out of his grip. All he did tighten his grip on my wrist, not showing any sign of loosening it.

I decided to the do the only thing that came into mind.

Kick him where the sun don't shine.

I did so and he suddenly let go, falling to the floor holding himself as I made my way to the front door. But sadly for me the man rebounded back up pretty fast and grabbed back on to me.

I cursed under my breath as he turned me around to face him. I didn't realize how tall he was compared to me. And sadly, he looked much stronger too.

"What do you want from me?!" I screamed. That's when we both took a step to the side, knocking over a small table that had a few things on it. The masked man turned to look at the fallen table. He gasped and walked over to it, kneeling down dramatically. "No!" He yelled as he began to cry.

"What the heck?" I muttered under my breath. I slowly moved myself to see what he was crying over. That's when I saw it.

A fallen cheesecake that my parents left out for me.

"Are you crying over a squashed cheesecake?" I suddenly asked. In the moment I didn't realized what came over me. I knew I shouldn't have been talking back to an intruder, actually I should have called the cops, but what he was doing was so stupid and ridiculous that I just had to ask.

He slowly turned back to look at me. "Of course I am! It was a perfectly good cheesecake!" He stood back up and by now I was trembling again with fear. He walked closer to me, enough that I could just barely touch his mask with my forehead.

I had to look up a bit but it might have just been because he was so close.

"Tell me, (Y/N), if that was your favorite snack in the whole world and you accidentally dropped it and couldn't get a new one, would you cry?"

Not fully thinking ahead about my response, I suddenly answered.

"No. That's a bit babyish if you think about it." I quickly covered my mouth, going right back to trembling. He shook his head and walked back to the cheesecake, pulling me with him.

He pointed at it.


I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

"Get me more."

"Why? I'm not your ma-"

Before I could finish, he grabbed me by the collar and pulled me close to his mask. "I can kill you at any second." That was all he said.

I slowly nodded.

"More! Got it."

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