Chapter 10.5: Poker Masters

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A/N- This will be my first half chapter in this book. Yay! This chapter will be in different point of views from the creepypasta guys. As you may have guessed, it will be about the poker game I mentioned in chapter 10. This is just to hold you guys down before I finish the next chapter. To be honest, I really want to upload this one more then the next chapter! Please enjoy! Also, stay tuned for the sneak peek of the next chapter in the authors note!

One more thing...This one is very important to read. I don't know a lot about poker so I kind of just put the knowledge I knew about it in this chapter. Please forgive me. Thanks!


I held my cards in my hand, looking from Jeff, to Hoodie, to EJ. I held them close, making sure no one was peaking at them. We all sat in a wooden, circular table with one light hanging above us in (Y/N)'s basement. I glanced down at the cards, seeing if I could at least pass up a bluff. I needed to win this. Good money was being bet here! As I scanned the cards, I heard a loud thwamp on the table and looked up to see what happened.


He had placed his cards on the table which had all kings and one ace in the pile. A perfect pile of cards I have ever seen. Beginners luck! I thought.

"I think I win." He said in his serious tone. Like always. I gritted my teeth as EJ's blue mask scanned the crowd. "I'm serious guys, did I win?"


"Y-yes, you d-did win." Hoodie cut in. I scowled. "Don't tell him that! We could have took back our money! And I bet a lot!" I exclaimed at Hoodie. He just shrugged. "S-sorry." I face palmed myself. Idiot... I thought. EJ, with one quick swipe, took all the money from the pile and sat it by his side. "Okay fellas, wanna go again?"

(Eyeless Jack's POV)

"Okay fellas, wanna go again? I think I'm starting to get the hang of this game," I chuckled lightly. You see, this was my first time playing poker and for some reason, I won our first round of playing. What some people might call, 'beginners luck.'

"Of course we do! Don't we?" BEN said, slamming his fist onto the table, making it shake. Jeff and Hoodie nodded. "Okay then, lets set up." I handed the pile of cards to Jeff as he quickly shuffled them then handed them back out. He sat three cards in the middle of the table and stuck the rest in a small pile by the laid out cards.

"Okay, and...begin!" Jeff exclaimed. Everyone looked down at their cards. I did the same.

My cards were a queen, ace, two kings, and a three of hearts. Pretty good, pretty good. I thought. I looked up at the cards in the middle of the table. There lay a three of clubs, two of clubs and a king of hearts. I could win this. "I bet $10,000 dollars!" BEN hollered, a smug grin on his face. I could already tell he was bluffing. After a few more moments, Jeff and Hoodie passed and BEN's grin widened. Almost as wide as Jeff's. I smirked under my mask, seeing as me and BEN were the only ones left in the round. I quickly put down my cards, BEN following shortly afterwards.

Man, the look on his face was priceless.

(Jeff's POV)

It was a stand off.

BEN and Eyeless Jack were both staring at each other after me and Hoodie passed the round, not taking a chance with our money. After BEN bet $10,000 dollars, I just knew that if he actually had good cards, he would win all of the money. A few seconds later, EJ put down his cards, followed by BEN. Man, BEN's face was too good to be true. EJ had much better cards then BEN's. BEN only had three threes and and the rest were twos. EJ fist bumped the air -which wasn't like him at all- then stuck a hand out in front of him, gesturing for BEN to hand over the money.

"I didn't even have the money so ha!" BEN smirked. EJ quickly got up, moved towards BEN, and picked him up by the collar of his tunic.

"Get. The. Money. Now!" Eyeless Jack said in a demonic voice, which even startled me!

BEN's red pupils seemed to lose its glow. "O-of course, s-sir. I might n-need some time though..." BEN stuttered. Man, he must have been really scared. I stood up from my seat, my hands up.

"Okay guys. EJ, put BEN down. He will somehow get your money. Even if he has to steal it from people. Right BEN?" I asked, my eyes glancing at the small elf. He nodded frantically as EJ slowly began lowering him down. "That's better now, isn't it?"

"Mmmm...I guess so." EJ said, his voice much calmer now. BEN just nodded again, still shocked over the whole 'demonic voice changing effect' thing. I grinned. "Good. Now, how about we play another round. Bets can go only up to $10. Okay?" Everyone around the table slowly nodded and I smiled wider. "Good."

(Hoodie's POV)

"This stinks!" BEN yelled, smacking his awful cards on the table. We just finished another round of poker and so far, EJ has won every single one of them. BEN right now was in rage and, I'm pretty sure, was about to quit.

"You now what? Take your fucking money! I don't need it anyway!" BEN said as he stood up and threw ten bucks at Eyeless Jack's...mask. Of course, the money didn't make it far.

"You know what else? I quit! Ha ha! See ya suckers!" BEN said, starting to laugh maniacally. BEN grabbed my wrist, making me drop all my cards. I looked at his face and he had a crazed and twisted smile plastered on it.

He held on to me tightly as he let go of one of my wrist and used that hand to dig in my pocket. He pulled out my phone then quickly let my other hand go. He turned it on, started dialing a number then quickly disappeared into the phone. Wow.

My phone dropped to the ground but I was too shocked to pick it back up.

"Uh...w-what just h-appended?" I asked. Jeff just shrugged like nothing happened. "See? This is why I don't play poker with BEN." Jeff muttered. "Anyway, wanna play again?" I looked at Jeff like he was the most idiotic person in the world. Of course, he couldn't see that because of my mask. I turned to EJ who was slowly nodding. Then I shrugged. "Eh. Why not?" I picked up the fallen cards then handed them to Jeff who quickly shuffled them.

(Time Skip)

EJ was still winning all of the rounds and I could see that Jeff was slowly breaking inside. "We are playing this game until someone besides EJ wins. Okay?" Jeff asked through gritted teeth. I slowly nodded at him while Jack chuckled and threw his cards back at Jeff to shuffle. Just then, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I looked behind me. I saw BEN walk over to where Jeff was and whisper something in his ear.

"Change of plans. You two play poker while I go do something real quick." Jeff said quickly before BEN grabbed his sleeve and dragged him away. I looked at EJ who had took of his mask. Wow. That was new. Of course I already seen his face before but it was so unlikely for him to do this.

EJ grabbed the cards where Jeff was and began shuffling, then handed some back to me.

Let the game begin...

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