Chapter 7: One More? Really?

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Authors Note- Before we start, I would just like to say sorry for taking so long to update this. I have been very busy with homework and school and I had no idea it would take longer then a few days to do any updating. So for now, I will update this! Here you go!

Also I would just like to say that this is one of the last chapters of you meeting one of the creepypastas. The creepypastas that I will be including in the story will be Masky, Hoodie, BEN, Jeff and Eyeless Jack. Those are the only ones. Also Slenderman will be mentioned but not in the story. (Or will he...?)

Anyway lets move on! Enjoy chapter 7!

His house? Really? But seriously, come on! At least be a bit more modest and say (Y/N)'s and my house. I would have at least accepted that! Gosh I wish I could smack him.

Debating on what I should do, I ended up walking upstairs towards my room, deciding that spending more time away from crazy killers would be the best choice.

Just walking up the stairs was a hassle. My lungs were still burning from the run I had and I kind of wished I never followed the mad laughter. Not because of meeting Jeff or anything, but because of all the running I had to do! I must have lost like, two pounds!

Wow! I'm gonna be in shape though!

Right as I got to the top of the stairs, I heard a thud, a loud one. Coming from inside my room. Great, what next? I thought. I slowly made my way towards the room, nothing in hand but ready to fight. I could also just scream if something happens and the guys will come and see what happened. Right?

I tried not to think so much about that and continued to walk to the shut door. Closer and closer I walked and then...


I slowly opened the door. And what I saw was truly terrifying. What I saw was....


Yeah, I was scared for nothing. I had a feeling I was just being paranoid.

I sighed with relief and walked into the empty room. I walked over to my (F/C) bed and sat on it. "Okay, now what?" I muttered to myself. I flopped onto my back on the bed and slowly shut my eyes, thinkinh that a nice nap would be a good idea.

I slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

That was, until I felt something cold against my stomach. I tried to ignore it though because I thought it was just the cold fan air.

But then I realized I didn't have my fan on.

I quickly sat up to the thought of that and saw a man with a blue mask on that was dripping some sort of black ooze from the eye holes; a bit of hair sticking out from under the hood of his black hoodie that he was wearing, and he had some black gloves on that carried a scalpel which was currently on my stomach which, apparently, was the cold feeling.

It was quite for a few moments and I could tell that the man was waiting for me to make the first move.


I managed to get out after those few seconds. That's when he slowly but harshly put his gloved hand over my mouth. Hopefully it was just one of Masky's friends but so far, it didn't seem like it.

(Masky's POV)

(Didn't expect that, did ya?)


I heard a faint call from (Y/N)'s room but thinking it wasn't that important, I decided to just continue eating my cheesecake while the rest of the guys either were watching TV in the living room or snooping through (Y/N)'s fridge. I thought that maybe she could call again if she needed me that badly. She always does that.

But I suddenly didn't feel too good. The stuck up brat, (Y/N), didn't call again which she would normally do once she called and I ignored her.

I decided to just let Hoodie have the rest of the cheesecake so that it wouldn't spoil and so that I could go see what the brat wants.

Oh yeah! That's my new name for her! Stuck up brat or just brat.

After I gave up my cheesecake, and that was very hard to do, I went upstairs to go see what she wanted. Once I made it towards (Y/N)'s room door, I slowly opened it.

What I saw was (Y/N) with her hands taped behind her back, some tape on her mouth and EJ with his scalpel slowly trying to take her kidneys. I guess the brat saw me because her eyes widened and she started to relax a bit.

But I decided to have a bit of fun with this...

(Your POV)

The unknown man taped my hands and my mouth so that I couldn't fight back. And he was sitting on top of my legs so that was out of the question. I was completely defenseless against this man. I sighed and just hoped that Masky would come. The man started to trace about my skin with his scalpel where my kidneys would be. Was he trying to take them? Why the heck would he do that?

As I still tried to move around, I saw light come from my door. I looked up and my eyes widened. I saw Masky come through. Finally! I began to relax a bit which might have caused the man to wonder why. But then I realized that Masky wasn't doing anything! He was just watching me! What was he, nuts? I let him live with me and he freaking watches me die! I kind of thought he would have let me live... But I guess without me he actually has somewhere to stay without someone telling them what to do.

That jerk! The freaking jerk of all jerks! His friends were nicer! At least they would have done something!

I felt tears prick my eyes like he actually was a traitor. I shouldn't have trusted him in the first place anyway.

I looked back down at my knees, not daring to look up at him. More so that he wouldn't see my tears. I'm not sure why I was crying, actually, I'm not sure why I cared.

I guess I thought we had a bit of trust or something stupid like that.

"Try tracing the kidney first." Masky said to the man. The man jumped at the sound of Masky and quickly turned back to face him, scalpel at the ready. 

"Calm down, EJ! It's just me." Masky held his hands in surrender. 

I knew it! It was another friend of his! I thought. The man named EJ lowered his scalpel and relaxed a bit. I'm not sure how I felt but all I know is that I can confirm that Masky was getting me killed.

"Why are you here? I thought you got kicked out for a bit." EJ said with a deep husky voice. It was kind of cute to be honest here.

 "Well I'm actually staying here for a while until the boss tells me I can come back." Masky replied. EJ nodded. "And that girl you're trying to steal kidneys from is the owner of this house and I think she needs her kidneys if shes going to keep buying me cheesecake."

Masky looked at me and so did EJ. EJ looked towards Masky, then at me, then back again until he slowly got off of me and ripped off the tape from my mouth and my hands.

"Ouch." I yelped as he ripped the tape off. I rubbed my mouth and my wrist. Once I was done, I smacked Masky right on the shoulder and stomped out of my room, not daring to look back.

Because first of all, my eyes were still wet with tears and second of all, I think I was blushing!


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