Chapter Twelve

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~Chapter 12~

Erica's tight grip on my hand is the only thing that forces my legs to keep moving, but every two steps I take, my eyes involuntarily glance up through the gap between the stairs waiting for the moment I see Kayli's black eyes looking back.

Void of the life I just took from her.

Guilt washes over me, making my feet stumble on the next step.

"Sang." My eyes snap away from the gap and I see that Erica has stopped a step below me. Her fingers tighten around mine as she looks at me with worry-filled green eyes. "What happened back there wasn't your fault. You need to keep moving." She reaches up with her free hand and gently brushes the hair from my face as she whispers, "if you die here, her sacrifice will mean nothing." I bite down on my trembling lower lip when the guilt doubles inside, but I quickly smother it before it takes control.

You will not allow Kayli's death to be meaningless, I demand myself as I wipe the tears from my face. I take one last look up the gap, thankfully still vacant of black eyes, and give Erica a nod as I continue down the last flight of stairs with her next to me.

We catch up to the others just outside the door that leads to the basement. Dr. Roberts and Jay are right in front, looking through the tiny window, trying to see if there's anything on the other side. From the frustrated looks on their faces, they weren't having the best of luck.

Dr. Roberts says something to Jay and he takes a small step back. Nervous tremors shake my body as I watch Dr. Roberts slowly pull open the door, making sure the hinges don't squeak as he sticks his head through the small opening he created. I count five long heartbeats before he confirms it's safe to continue. He opens the door all the way and gets Jay to hold it as he leads everyone into the dimly lit basement.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and follow Erica through the opening, only looking back long enough to see Jay silently close the door behind him.

Feeling the tile floors change to concrete and seeing the exposed pipes above my head causes flashes of memory to bombard me. I ended up in a similar place when I was running away from Volto, who at the time wanted the code for Victor's Dragon desk. Though Fate decided I didn't have enough to worry about that day, and somehow Greg found a way past all the security and followed me down to that basement too.

Thank God for Meanie.

I physically shake my head to get rid of the images of Greg bleeding out on the floor and keep myself focus on following Dr. Roberts out of here.

He takes a few different turns through the maze of corridors until we reach a metal door with another tiny window that's illuminating the dim hall with afternoon sunlight.

Dr. Roberts holds up his hand, in a universal sign to stop, and slowly approaches the door with Ms. Rose by his side. They each look out one side of the window but after a few seconds, they both just shake their heads at each other. I see Ms. Rose's hands come up and sign to him.

'I can't see anything past the wall.' Dr. Roberts nods in agreement as he runs his hand through his white hair. 'One of us needs to go out and take a look around.'

'I'll go,' he signs back to her. Fear squeezes my heart as I watch him step up to Ms. Rose and lightly kiss her forehead. As he steps away, he gives her a small encouraging smile and moves towards the door.

He shouldn't go out there by himself, I think as I unconsciously take a step closer to the door. My promise to the boys blares through my mind, but seeing Dr. Roberts approach that door alone with nothing to protect himself against men in tactical gear, causes it to be pushed to the back burners of my thoughts.

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