Chapter 11

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Looking around my room, it looked like a pig sty. Well, to be honest, my brothers had taken it over. They were currently very excited about the competition seeming as I had put the pack in the lead. Of course I was happy about it but I couldn't help wondering what Max felt about that. Thinking of Max made me worry. My parents went up to him while I waiting to fight and introduced themselves. They had then arranged that after the obstacle course, they would meet properly.Great!

"Alec! Stop picking all my stuff up just to put it back down. You are honestly like a two year old!" I sighed.

"What's this?" He asked me.

"A photo I printed off of the family to bring here with me. It was taken on the same day as the picture you asked me about two minutes ago. Ricky, can you please stop tutting and sighing at my clothes?"

"You have some girly clothes."

"Shocking fact. I AM a girl!"

I stormed out of my room and went down to the kitchen. While I was making a tea, someone came up behind me. I think that they were trying to scare me but I just walked out the way way and sat in the front room. It was my dad that entered after me. I sat down, curled my legs under me and slowly drank my tea.

"Hey, you may be all grown up now but I still know when something is wrong with my little girl." He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I uncurled my feet, placed my tea down and leaned into his embrace.

"I'm just thinking about things. What if something goes wrong when I move to this pack? I would be miles away from you crazy lot. Sometimes I just need to let lose in the comfort of my home with the people I love. Could I do that as Luna? Do I even want to be a Luna? What should I do dad?"

"You love Max don't you?"

"Of course I do, more than anything."

"Well, then. You shouldn't worry about being Luna. As long as you are with him, you will be happy. If you have more worries, talk it through with him. You are a beautiful, caring young woman from the Shadow Pack. With his help, he can help guide you to be the beautiful, caring Luna of the Regal Pack. If you ever need us, you can phone us or FaceTime us. You have my private mobile so even if it is the middle of the night, you can phone me. I will always have time for my girl."

"Thank you, dad." I hugged him.

"What's this? The daddy's girl is back ey?" My mum had just walked in and the sight she was greeted with, made her smile.

I kissed dad on the cheek, got up  and then hugged my mum.

"Dad was just helping me figure some stuff out." I say before walking out. 

I went up to my room and sighed. My brothers had left but now my room was a mess. It was as I looked over the damage, that I saw something on my bed. Walking over, I saw my jumpsuit and a note.

Wear this, Max will love it x

I realised that it must have been Ricky. Holding up the outfit, I smiled. It was denim and a perfect mix between girly and tomboy. Putting on the outfit, I remembered that I didn't even bring the jumpsuit with me to the pack. Definitely Ricky then.

For a change, I left my hair down. It was naturally wavy which I liked but wanted a change. Walking into Roxy's room, I saw her straighteners on her side and I could hear her downstairs. She had once told me, knowing I most probably wouldn't, that I could borrow her stuff whenever I wanted. I was going to take her up on the offer.

Looking at my straightened hair in the mirror, I smiled. This was probably the second time I had ever straightened my hair so it was weird to see my hair straight. However, I did like it. My hair fell down to just below my shoulders and normally I would tie it in a high ponytail to then take it up to my neck. I was thankful that the hair could stop people from recognising me because today was the obstacle course. Josh and I would be in the stand with the rest of our pack that had come with us or had travelled to watch the competition. Both, Josh and I, had agreed to try and hide our faces a little due to the fact that people would want to congratulate the winning fighters. We didn't want that. We wanted a nice day out with the family at the competition. Well, I said nice day out. It would involve My brothers and me shouting at the competitors and getting into the game, but I call that nice.


"I can't believe this." Josh sighed. I patted his shoulder. He had already been stopped by five pack members for a picture but I (while putting my hair forward a bit) hadn't been recognised at all.

"You should've straightened your hair." I laughed which resulted in a smack around the head from Roxy.

"Leave him alone." Suddenly, she pulled out a baseball cap from her bag and put it on Josh. "Here, see if this helps."

"Thanks, Roxy." He leaned down and kissed her. I reached out and grabbed their hands.

"Come on lovebirds, before all the good seats are gone."

We actually got front row seats which would be thought of as good seats but not when the water and mud is straight in front of you. There used to be a show on TV that the humans took part in called Total Wipeout. The course was exactly like that, just bigger. 

I looked up to the Regal Pack and couldn't make out where Max was today. I sighed and turned back to the course. What could go wrong?..................

..................Everything. Everything could go wrong. I got drenched in water and mud which I wouldn't have minded if I wasn't meeting Max afterwards. Then our team that were running the course came second. In the obstacle course, everyone got some points. The Regal Pack came first, gaining three points. Then it was us with two points. Finally, the Sun&Moon Pack brought up the rear with one point. That left the Regal Pack and us drawing with four points and the Sun&Moon Pack with one point. This meant that the two leading packs would have a ten second head start on the losing pack. Ten seconds might not seem a lot, but in a werewolf race it was. The average wolf ran that course in two minutes. Losing that head start, might have killed the Sun&Moon Pack.

"That was rubbish." Alec grumbled.

"What could you have done better?" I asked.

"Yeah, I could."

"Go on then. You are already dirty. Go have a go at the course."

"I would rather not."

"You should've been mum and dad's daughter, not me." I said as be bent down to pick up his drink. I pushed him a little.

"Hey, my nail. You caused me to bend and chip my nail!"

"Exactly, my point. The daughter."

"I'll give you-"

"ALEC! TONI! Can you both stop arguing for once? The event finished a little early than anticipated. Toni, we can go home and get changed if you want?"

I looked at my outfit. "Um, yeah."


Waiting for Max, I was nervous. I had some shorts on and a vest top. Mum and dad were quietly talking to each other but I took no notice of what they were talking about. Suddenly, I saw Max heading over.

"Mum, dad. Please meet my mate, Max Newcombe."

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