Chapter 3

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Due to regular proceedings, our whole pack was expected to enter the ballroom together. When we got to the entrance hall, mostly everyone was already there. I left Josh and Roxy and went up to Caleb.

"Alpha." I nodded.

"Wow. Is that actually the little girl that tried to shave their head when I was looking after her?"

"I was five." I growled.

"You wanted to shave your head, burn your dress and be a boy.I wrestled you so your mother wouldn't kill me. I thought that I would never see you in a dress or heels." That was when he looked at my shoes. "There's the Toni I know." 

I slightly punched him in the shoulder and then put my serious face one. I was expected to walk in slightly behind Caleb, to take the place of beta. I was dreading it if I was being honest. I hated the attention.

"Hey, you will be fine. Look the final stragglers are here now so we will be going in soon. Prove to everyone you are your father's daughter, yeah?" I looked at Caleb.


Soon we heard a voice from inside announce our pack. Caleb took the lead and I soon followed. Walking in, I could hear the whispers and mutters, asking if I really was the Toni Hatfield they knew. I had been to this pack with my dad before but that was when I was eight and the visit may or may not have ended in a fight between me and some of the older children here. (Some might remember me actually.) After that, I have had people visit me at our own pack to see me box and train. People believed that I should be beta after my father but Ricky would never turn down the power. He would take over as beta but for anything that involves physical activity like fights, he would turn to little sis. I scanned the crowd to see is I could see mystery boy from earlier but in the wave of heads, it was virtually impossible. We arrived down at the stage at the bottom of the hall to see that the Sun & Moon Pack were already there. Caleb and I shook hands with Alpha and beta's child. I remembered the boy from another visit to our home. Beta Lucas from the Sun & Moon Pack had come for some sort of business and had brought his son with him. If I remembered correctly, his son was called Michael and I gave him a black eye. He was sixteen and I was eleven then, now I am nineteen. When I shook hands with Michael, he glared. Yep, he remembered me.

"PLEASE WELCOME, LUNA MACY AND HER CHILDREN, MAX, RUBY AND JASON!" Everyone started clapping and I heard some people from the pack next to us chanting 'Elizabeth'. That was most probably because Alpha Thomas and Luna Macy had another child, twin of Max I think, by the name of Elizabeth who had moved to the Sun & Moon Pack. I looked up to Elizabeth. She left her pack and everything she knew for one person. Her mate. 

I looked up as the family started heading down. You could sense the missing space where Alpha Thomas should be. Luna Macy smiled and quickly said her hellos before introducing her eldest son to start the celebration. Her son was in a suit with his blonde hair brushed back. As he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes met mine and I gasped. It was mystery boy. But he was no mystery. He was the son of our 'King'. He is our 'prince'. I quickly turned and pushed through the crowd, hearing people grumble at me.

"Um, yeah, start the party.Enjoy!" I heard Max practically spit out and knew instantly he was starting to follow me. I got to the main door and rushed out into the cold air.

"Hey, you'll freeze out here." His voice came from behind me and I felt him place his jacket over my shoulders.

"Don't freeze on my account, Prince Max."

"Please don't call me prince. I hate it. Especially it coming from you. When I saw you earlier, I didn't recognise you because you have grown up so much. But you're her. Toni. I watched you when you had that fight in our pack when you visited with your father. You are a star."

"I'm no-one."

"Don't say that." His voice sounded so sympathetic and soothing. "Now what kind of man would I be, to leave a girl out here, freezing?"

"One that understands he isn't wanted."

His face looked pained but he still said nothing. Instead, he grabbed his jacket because I was holding it out to him. As he took it from my grip, our fingers touched ever so slightly. I felt sparks erupt and we both jumped a little, startled. Before he could say anything, I pulled off my shoes and started running. Not caring that my outfit would rip, I quickly transformed into my wolf and ran. I didn't know what I was running from, but I ran. My black paws thundered across the wet ground of the woodland. Soon I found myself at the cottage. Making sure nobody was around, I shifted back, grabbed the spare keys from under the flower pot and let myself. I ran upstairs threw on my pyjamas and sat on my bed. As if that just happened. I found my mate. In the Regal Pack. My mate was the soon to be Alpha of the Regal Pack.

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