Chapter 13

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Grabbing a drink from the bar, I went to sit with my family. It was the start of the awards ceremony so everyone around us were excited and a little giddy. Roxy, Josh and his dad had joined us on our table. Josh's mum stayed at the cottage to look after Georgia.

"Do you think you are going to win any of the individual awards?" Ricky asked both Josh and me as I sat down. We both gave shrugs as answers.

Everyone soon settled down as Macy took the stage. She was in a beautiful silver floor length dress that out shined any woman or girl at the awards. Well she definitely out shined me. I was wearing the top that Roxy gave me when we first arrived, some black jeans and my trainer heels.

"Most of you are here today for the free bar and party, so I am just going to get straight on with the awards. There is an award for 'Best Fighter', 'Best Teamwork on the Obstacle Course' then there is gold, silver and bronze medals to give out for the race, an award for 'Best Competitor Overall' and then the one that everyone wants 'Best Pack of the Year'. So good luck everyone. I will now hand over to my son to start the awards." Macy stepped down and Max stepped into her place.

"The first award for the night is for 'Best Fighter' and I think most of us can guess who has won this. So the winner is........ Toni Hatfield!"

My dad got up and hugged me before I made my way up to the stage. Max handed over the award and then pointed to the microphone so I could do a speech.

"Um...right, a speech. I am not good at speeches. Um.....I'm just going to say this. Thanks for this award. But I wouldn't be standing up here if it wasn't for my dad. My dad was the one who pushed me and told me that I could fight, that I don't have to be the girl in the dress afraid to break or dirty her nails. Also, thanks to my friend Josh. I have been boxing with Josh since I was eight and without him letting me punch him so many times, I wouldn't be the fighter I ma today. So thanks to you guys." I held up the award and then turned to leave.

Just before I got to the stairs, Max called me back. He held my hand and then grabbed the microphone.

"While Toni is up here, I'm just going to say this so she doesn't have to come back up here later."

I suddenly realised what he was doing. "Max, please don't." I said hiding my face in his shoulder.

"This won't be the last time you see Toni here in this pack. Toni and I recently found out that we are mates so sometime in the near future, she will be coming to live here. So Toni, I really just want to say, that I love you." He pulled me into a hug.

"Can I go now? You've really embarrassed me." I whispered in his ear. He nodded and I went down to my table to everyone clapping for me.

"That was so cute." Roxy gushed and hugged me when I got back to my table. I looked up to see max smirking at me. I was so going to wipe that smug look off his face.

The awards went on. The Regal Pack's team for the obstacle course won 'Best Teamwork'. Josh and I went up along with a member of the Regal Pack to collect the medals for the race. I also collected the award for 'Best Competitor Overall' which was unexpected. I truly believed in should have gone to somebody else. It was then the time that we were all excited for. The Best Pack of the Year. Macy was up on stage with a big trophy. 

"Here we go then, the reason why we are all here. So this trophy is going to the pack that had the hard workers who persevered and won the race. At first, it didn't look like they were going to win. They were waiting for two people while the other packs were waiting for one. There had been a collision on the track and the two pack members made sure that the person who was injured was ok and then went on to cross the finishing line before the member of the opposing pack. So can I please invite Eddie and Lola up to collect constellation prizes as well as nominees from their pack, the winners of this final award. THE SHADOW PACK!" 

Everyone around me were on their feet cheering. Josh hugged me and I grabbed Roxy. We had done it. I couldn't believe that in my final times as a Shadow Pack member, I could say that I helped the pack to win. Alpha Caleb and my dad went up onto the stage so it wasn't too crowded. Caleb had wanted me up there as well but I declined. I had been on that stage too much.

As soon as the stage was empty, we went into a different room for the after party. I stayed with people from my pack at first. I had people congratulating me and thanking me for helping to lead them to a victory. Roxy spotted one of the broadcasting cameras and she pulled me over to it. She was a little drunk and started pulling funny faces at it, I just laughed. Suddenly, still in front of the camera, I felt Max's arms wrap around my waist. Josh joined us and hugged Roxy. Roxy counted to three and then we all pulled a funny face at the camera and then walked away from it. People watching in their homes must have thought we were crazy, in truth, we had drank a little bit of alcohol.

Dancing with Max was a great feeling. I ignored the people around me and just let my hair down a little. The real party began when the live band (including Max's brother) came on. Everyone was jumping around and going crazy. I surprised myself due to the fact that while I was jumping around, I had a drink in my hand. A drink that I may or may not have spilled down Max. Oops.

At around midnight, my family and I decided to go home along with most of our pack. We had a long journey home the next day. Max pulled me into a hug.

"I would kiss you but you are a little drunk so you might not remember it." He smiled and I giggled a little. God, I giggled, I must have been drunk.

"Yeah, I think I better go home before I puke." 

Max kissed my forehead and then let my dad grab me around the waist to help me home.

"What I do without you? I love you daddy." I leaned onto my dad and then was sick on his shoes.

"Oh lovely. I love you two darling." He pulled a face. He picked me up as I was nearly asleep. I could've sworn that he said that he would remind me of this day but what did I know?

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