A Dream

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Part Two

Chapter 8: A Dream

I'm walking down a long hallway. The hallway is lined with floral wallpaper, candles and there's a long, deep blue rug stretching across the floor down the corridor.

I see something bright towards the end of the hall, I know that's my destination. As I walk quicker and sturdier, I can see my haven reaching closer and closer. When it's nearly in my grasp, I feel something tug from under me.

Without warning, the rug is pulled from beneath my feet. The floor turns into a dark abyss and instead of hitting it with a thud, I continue to fall into obscurity. And the light that I once saw, disappears into the darkness.

I wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. John is laying next to me, slightly snoring. I look down at my stomach, which is beginning to become more defined. I calm myself down, forgetting about my dream and snuggle up to John; who takes to it right away by wrapping his arm around me, and I fall back to sleep.

• • • • •

John's lips press against my forehead as my eyes flutter open from my sleep.

John: "Good morning, babe!"

"John! It's early!"

John: "It's ten o'clock! *Sigh* I made breakfast!"

He gives me a cheesy grin as a jump up at the sound of food. Being grateful that my cast on my ankle is now gone, I quickly make my way downstairs to go eat. I hear John chuckle behind me as I nearly slip down the steps out of excitement.

John comes down and joins me at the table. His cooking never disappoints. As for me, I can't even boil water.

After we finish eating, I clean up the kitchen and start to do the dishes. I feel John come up from behind me, slowly put his hands around my waist and start to kiss my neck.

"John! I'm trying to do the dishes!"

John: "Ya, so?"

He spins me around and kisses my lips fiercely. He pushes his body close up to mine and my lower back hits the counter.

"Ouch! John, careful!"

John: "Whoops, sorry! I just can't help myself, Kate!"

John grins as he goes in for another kiss and lifts me up onto the counter. He kisses me down my body and I arch my back and giggle. Once he gets to my stomach, he stops then hops up onto the counter and sits next to me.

"Um, excuse me?"

I say a little irritated because he stopped.

John: "Sorry, I was just thinking."

I roll my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder.

John: "Next week marks your third month, Katy. When are we going to start telling people?"

"Do we really have to tell people?"

John: "Katy..."

He gives me a stern look. I know he's right! People are going to notice eventually. This certainly isn't something you can hide forever.

I groan and hop down from the counter to head upstairs. Before I make it to the stairs, I feel John's hand gently grab mine. I turn around and hold onto his other hand.

"I know we need to tell everyone, John. My family and crew already suspect. I just want it to be in the right way. Next week, after the appointment with my OB/GYN. Okay?"

John: "Katy, we saw the doctor two weeks ago and she said the baby is perfectly healthy!"

"You know the first three months are the most crucial! I just want to be sure. Besides, most couples wait until after the first trimester anyway!"

John: "We aren't most couples though. But you're right, we'll wait. It's gotta be a big surprise when we tell everyone though!"

I smile, give him a peck on the lips and lean my head into his chest as he hugs me tight. The smell of his body and the warmth of his embrace makes my heart flutter. I grab his hand and pull him upstairs.

John: "Where are we going?"

"To finish what you started!"

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