A Pinch

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Chapter 5: A Pinch

The bus stops a couple blocks away from the clinic. As it comes to a screeching halt, my heart begins to rapidly beat.

I have to do this, it's the only way.

I take a deep breath, wrap my scarf around my face, and step off the bus.

As I make my way to the clinic, I start to get more nervous. But there's no going back now. This is the only way out.

I step through the door of the clinic, the smell of cleaner fills my nose and makes me feel nauseous. Thankfully there's no one in the waiting room. I sign a fake name to the check-in list, and take my seat.

Nurse: "Elizabeth Kate?"

"Oh, ya. That's me!"

Nurse: "Right this way, miss."

The nurse takes me through the swinging doors and to the back of the clinic. I try to hide my face to avoid her recognizing me as she takes my blood pressure, weight and temperature. She then takes me to Examination Room 2.

I sit down on the examination table, and wait, very impatiently, for the doctor.

He walks in and I know there's no hiding my identity now. When he looks up from his clipboard, I see that he instantly recognizes my face.

Doctor: "Oh! Katy Per-"

He stops as he sees the desperation in my face. Thank god for patient confidentially!

He already knows why I'm here. That's what this place does. No questions. Just in and out.

Doctor: "I will ask you this once before I begin: Are you sure you want to do this?"

I take a deep breath in.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Doctor: "Okay then."

The doctor has me put on a gown, lie down on the table, and put my feet up into the stirrups. I hear the snapping sound of putting his gloves on. Despite my attempt to control my emotions, a single tears rolls down my right cheek. I immediately swipe it away before the doctor can see.

Doctor: "Alright, I'm going to begin. We have the nurse in here as a third party witness. Now, this will only pinch a bit..."

I clench on to the handrails and my entire body tenses. Before I can stop myself, my heart overcomes my mind.

"Stop! No, wait! Please stop!"

The doctor, who hadn't even started yet, sits up in surprise.

Doctor: "Okay, I've stopped. Have you changed your mind?"

"Yes! I'm sorry! This was a mistake! I can't go through with this!"

Before the doctor can say anything else, I hop up onto my good ankle, throw on my clothes, and run (the best I can) out of the clinic.

I get on the closest bus in attempt to get myself as far from that place as possible. I check my phone and see several texts and missed calls from people. It's only 8:30 AM! I'll just say I was sleeping.

The bus pulls up and I can see my house in the distance, surrounded by the paparazzi, just waiting to pounce. How am I supposed to get inside? I'll have to find a way through the back, they're not allowed to go there.

I safely make it into my house and feel Kitty Purry and Monkey purr and run against my leg. I pet them then fill their food and water container. I limp my way up the stairs and into my bedroom where I tightly close the door and throw my purse onto my bed.

Emotion overcomes me as I think about what I almost did. What was I thinking? I fall to me knees and begin to sob uncontrollably.

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