The Appointment

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Chapter 9: The Appointment

"John, do we have everything we need?"

I shout downstairs as I fumble to finish the last few curls in my hair.

John: "Yes! We are only going to be gone for a hour or two. Now hurry! We are going to be late!"

Geez, he gets so impatient!

I grab my purse and run down the stairs while trying to also put my high heels on.

"I'm coming! I am coming!"

I nearly trip on the last step, but John catches my fall. He gives me a little smirk and holds me up while I put on my other heel.

"Thanks, hun. You're always there to catch me when I need you."

I then bite my lip and slowly slip my fingers into his pants pocket and pull out his car keys. The keys jingle as I dangle them in front of his face and peck his lips.

"Maybe I should drive, that way we won't be late!"

I tend to be a bit of a speed demon. But never so much that I get ticketed. I may bend the rules, but I never break them.

John chuckles as I hold onto his arm and he escorts me out to the car. Being the strong man he is, he takes the keys from me and hops into the drivers seat. He doesn't really like me to drive his car anyway.

During the car ride, John never let's go of my hand. It's one of those little things he does that I just love about him. He is always touching me. Whether it's his hand behind my back, on my leg or on my arm; he's always right there, caring and loving. And always very respectful! Unlike my ex. John just makes me feel loved and important to him. That he is proud of me. The little quirks like that are my favorite.

"Ooo! Can we stop and get some McNuggets!"

I yell as I see a McDonald's ahead.

John: "Babe, we are already running late."

"After then?"

John: "Yes. If you're a good girl at the doctor's, I will buy you McDonald's on the way home."

I smack his arm as he treats me like a 5-year-old. Although, I do act that way quite a bit. I decide to just play along with it.

"Yay! Thank you- Dad."

John takes his eye off the road to look at me and give me a big smile. I take his hand and rest it on my belly, with my hand on top of his. I feel so beyond happy right now. My heart is overwhelmed with joy. I'm starting a family with the man I love, who I care for more than myself. There truly is nothing better than to know that.

"I can't wait to hold this baby in our arms."

John: "What are we going to name him?"

"Him? It could be a girl, you know!"

John: "It's a boy. I can tell."

"Whatever! We won't be able to find out for another month or so anyway."

John: "Well you never know! If he takes after his dad, we will be able to tell if it's a boy really soon."

John winks at me and I just roll my eyes.

Finally, we pull up to my OB/GYN's office. I wait patiently in the car as John gets out to the other side to open my door. He is such a gentleman! Also, if I try to get out without him opening my door, he gets mad. But always in a cute, silly way.

While sitting in the waiting room, John and I try to come up with baby names that we both like.

John: "How about Neil?"

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